StatMando Monday

From Monday 2016-06-20 to Sunday 2016-06-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2016-06-20
(click to change weeks)
(4,365 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:50 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 61 1,027 2,749 $88,353 163,692 945
FPO 37 135 369 $12,544 25,663 841
MA1 55 787 2,056 $0 125,035 915
FA1 23 77 192 $0 13,902 783
MA2 55 903 2,246 $0 139,065 881
FA2 29 78 195 $0 13,949 740
MA3 38 468 1,089 $0 70,444 841
FA3 19 63 134 $0 10,529 683

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 2 52 198 $665 11,682 2
Arizona 1 147 287 $8,251 22,698 13
Arkansas 1 55 109 $0 6,901 0
British Columbia 2 99 299 $3,315 18,458 6
California 2 281 1,184 $3,000 74,101 14
Delaware 1 65 129 $956 8,979 6
Georgia 1 20 60 $0 3,617 0
Idaho 1 46 92 $990 5,658 2
Illinois 2 165 330 $1,387 25,130 6
Indiana 2 156 307 $4,577 19,183 16
Iowa 4 233 527 $2,411 31,448 6
Maryland 1 48 191 $730 10,925 9
Massachusetts 1 176 612 $45,497 38,685 228
Michigan 6 347 771 $7,214 49,545 12
Minnesota 1 89 264 $3,715 16,641 10
Mississippi 2 123 245 $2,860 15,641 8
Missouri 2 169 456 $4,880 26,019 17
Montana 2 102 202 $3,259 11,147 11
New Mexico 1 84 250 $2,620 15,861 13
New York 1 58 115 $870 8,132 1
North Carolina 2 140 278 $1,696 17,450 12
North Dakota 2 33 66 $680 5,912 3
Ohio 2 128 362 $372 22,977 2
Ontario 2 99 156 $1,331 9,479 2
Oregon 1 62 123 $405 8,040 5
Pennsylvania 1 22 44 $370 2,990 2
South Carolina 2 113 338 $1,430 21,427 5
Tennessee 2 184 358 $4,365 20,494 3
Texas 5 352 935 $8,754 56,802 27
Utah 1 42 116 $4,565 7,012 9
Washington 2 132 323 $0 15,530 1
West Virginia 1 65 191 $2,249 11,173 4
Wisconsin 2 126 246 $600 15,511 1
Wyoming 1 17 46 $800 3,318 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 64 221 $0 15,029 3
Belgium 1 29 58 $0 4,209 3
Canada 4 198 455 $4,646 27,937 8
Denmark 1 75 153 $634 9,492 8
Finland 4 181 436 $515 27,484 2
Germany 1 59 214 $0 11,083 6
Lithuania 1 47 159 $562 9,094 1
Norway 1 27 54 $0 4,521 0
United Kingdom 1 40 137 $0 8,242 1
United States 58 3,832 9,755 $120,168 610,629 448