StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-06-21 to Sunday 2021-06-27, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-06-21
(click to change weeks)
(9,450 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:10 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 99 1,750 3,892 $208,847 226,995 959
FPO 43 199 553 $55,418 36,593 886
MP40 58 447 885 $25,757 53,055 924
MP50 36 181 392 $11,442 23,821 915
FP40 9 21 39 $1,753 2,653 835
FP50 1 1 2 $103 112 877
MP55 3 7 12 $385 975 928
MP60 15 62 127 $3,293 8,128 883
FP60 1 1 1 $48 85 772
MP65 1 3 4 $180 243 860
MP70 1 1 2 $60 129 853
MA1 97 1,514 2,800 $0 171,211 915
FA1 43 128 255 $0 17,686 805
MA2 97 1,850 3,463 $0 217,570 881
FA2 49 165 309 $0 22,409 751
MA3 96 1,739 3,132 $0 209,977 841
FA3 45 110 190 $0 14,846 689

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 97 188 $2,825 12,518 6
Alaska 2 207 330 $3,803 22,011 0
Alberta 3 137 333 $1,585 21,043 2
Arizona 1 79 156 $1,848 10,608 9
California 2 200 561 $7,373 32,819 19
Colorado 4 292 532 $8,029 32,020 11
Florida 2 301 548 $2,371 31,233 15
Georgia 5 308 611 $2,199 35,985 15
Hawaii 1 16 32 $0 2,571 0
Illinois 4 301 590 $3,380 35,397 14
Indiana 4 210 387 $2,775 27,467 5
Iowa 1 45 90 $0 5,540 0
Kansas 2 119 152 $595 10,208 2
Kentucky 5 267 485 $8,546 36,889 13
Maine 2 176 309 $5,325 17,826 7
Massachusetts 2 144 285 $6,200 16,757 12
Michigan 12 653 1,205 $8,964 71,974 22
Minnesota 2 100 100 $200 6,057 0
Mississippi 1 71 140 $0 8,175 3
Missouri 2 83 138 $141 8,995 2
Montana 1 41 81 $955 5,047 0
Nebraska 1 86 172 $1,000 9,597 1
New Hampshire 2 135 214 $675 12,737 4
New Jersey 1 53 53 $216 3,250 0
New Mexico 1 69 134 $1,480 8,270 1
New York 2 128 256 $2,130 16,723 3
North Carolina 6 374 572 $3,617 36,217 14
North Dakota 1 122 239 $2,905 14,359 3
Ohio 3 390 949 $1,050 69,213 8
Oklahoma 2 111 277 $2,870 16,335 18
Ontario 2 133 264 $1,046 18,447 2
Oregon 3 225 515 $4,722 27,977 21
Pennsylvania 6 512 792 $2,988 59,268 13
Quebec 1 85 167 $1,201 9,954 0
South Carolina 2 159 447 $660 28,040 14
Tennessee 2 349 690 $6,599 44,091 19
Texas 10 824 1,468 $14,374 89,169 31
Utah 1 279 1,219 $173,105 75,556 494
Virginia 5 357 519 $4,327 36,510 14
Washington 1 296 576 $7,375 36,631 12
West Virginia 1 26 26 $0 1,633 0
Wisconsin 3 267 629 $5,277 37,465 14

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 46 141 $0 8,867 2
Canada 6 355 764 $3,832 49,444 4
Croatia 1 14 28 $0 1,459 0
Czech Republic 1 24 48 $0 3,068 0
Denmark 2 86 171 $72 11,766 1
Estonia 3 312 579 $2,508 33,621 14
Finland 3 211 333 $0 26,509 3
Germany 1 48 164 $0 8,572 11
Netherlands 1 30 59 $0 3,328 0
Norway 3 124 183 $0 11,515 1
South Korea 1 4 8 $400 462 0
Sweden 4 299 527 $47 35,016 1
Switzerland 2 110 110 $0 6,495 2
United Kingdom 1 66 196 $0 11,763 7
United States 109 8,472 16,667 $300,899 1,053,138 839