StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-05-20 to Sunday 2019-05-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-05-20
(click to change weeks)
(5,605 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:01 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 75 1,405 3,576 $95,800 207,935 953
FPO 42 145 379 $8,318 26,262 847
MP40 50 425 1,095 $30,110 67,187 932
MP50 32 194 527 $16,774 32,629 923
FP40 7 16 51 $1,901 3,699 808
MP55 2 6 21 $995 1,402 883
MP60 13 49 133 $4,682 8,596 910
MP65 1 6 12 $175 1,096 840
MP70 1 1 3 $180 194 897
MA1 63 918 2,069 $0 128,054 917
FA1 30 90 215 $0 15,659 798
MA2 64 1,016 2,308 $0 145,351 885
FA2 18 61 153 $0 11,346 760
MA3 57 791 1,626 $0 109,907 847
FA3 18 40 81 $0 6,118 697

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 162 478 $4,491 29,260 10
Alaska 1 66 131 $1,431 8,257 3
Alberta 2 36 92 $379 5,444 2
Arizona 2 134 265 $3,475 16,786 11
Arkansas 1 85 168 $799 10,763 7
California 4 253 515 $4,616 33,741 24
Colorado 3 338 605 $7,523 33,317 24
Florida 4 293 914 $5,187 54,680 23
Georgia 1 21 34 $0 2,163 0
Indiana 2 127 244 $478 16,637 3
Iowa 1 275 908 $14,507 54,193 76
Kentucky 1 96 177 $2,220 12,618 6
Louisiana 1 66 224 $12,514 11,519 25
Maine 1 69 137 $1,445 7,711 4
Massachusetts 2 86 169 $1,370 10,654 6
Michigan 5 327 673 $3,624 44,086 20
Minnesota 2 163 323 $3,307 20,750 7
Missouri 1 72 143 $1,116 8,838 4
Nevada 1 32 64 $0 4,160 1
New York 1 93 275 $2,773 19,124 1
North Carolina 2 183 445 $4,956 28,562 29
Ohio 2 111 220 $205 13,516 2
Oklahoma 1 54 167 $8,291 9,443 30
Ontario 1 141 413 $8,282 27,436 19
Oregon 1 21 21 $0 1,240 1
Pennsylvania 2 154 307 $2,075 19,413 11
South Carolina 1 53 155 $1,855 9,770 12
South Dakota 1 45 90 $689 5,910 2
Tennessee 2 133 258 $2,435 16,859 3
Texas 9 494 950 $6,473 59,106 18
Vermont 1 80 160 $1,291 10,347 3
Virginia 6 339 932 $18,221 53,327 132
Washington 2 165 463 $9,465 29,222 23
West Virginia 1 16 28 $115 1,260 0
Wisconsin 2 159 315 $2,790 26,247 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 177 505 $8,661 32,880 21
China 1 12 24 $0 1,577 0
Czech Republic 1 76 228 $530 14,760 6
Estonia 2 128 250 $713 17,198 4
Finland 6 441 918 $7,527 63,666 99
Iceland 1 46 178 $0 10,440 1
Japan 1 29 120 $928 6,839 15
Latvia 1 35 70 $0 4,702 0
Lithuania 1 33 66 $355 4,434 0
Norway 1 80 274 $6,117 15,837 12
Sweden 3 177 407 $4,367 26,261 32
Ukraine 1 10 40 $0 2,185 0
United States 68 4,765 10,958 $129,737 683,479 527