StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-08-07 to Sunday 2023-08-13, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-08-07
(click to change weeks)
(13,643 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-08-20 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 176 2,700 5,464 $166,810 295,075 950
FPO 66 253 586 $48,187 40,661 869
MP40 88 629 1,327 $30,354 78,920 919
MP50 48 260 552 $12,090 34,345 902
FP40 14 31 72 $1,553 5,032 821
FP50 3 4 12 $175 537 822
FP55 1 2 2 $185 117 874
MP60 17 67 164 $5,746 11,493 868
FP60 1 1 2 $0 144 741
MP70 1 1 1 $0 60 798
MA1 166 2,203 4,120 $0 202,056 913
FA1 84 215 448 $0 29,326 802
MA2 172 2,335 4,458 $0 262,159 888
FA2 61 166 326 $0 21,012 765
MA3 172 2,751 4,928 $0 302,041 850
FA3 61 151 278 $0 20,578 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 72 114 $1,035 7,207 0
Alaska 1 28 111 $585 6,570 8
Alberta 2 51 124 $177 4,637 2
Arizona 1 187 553 $0 36,307 0
Arkansas 4 160 236 $992 13,431 4
British Columbia 1 42 116 $971 8,124 0
California 8 690 1,426 $10,876 83,290 61
Colorado 6 482 737 $3,347 43,060 23
Connecticut 4 270 341 $1,709 21,798 3
Florida 4 406 723 $2,358 28,883 15
Georgia 8 419 631 $1,253 30,506 5
Illinois 4 395 677 $2,378 38,450 15
Indiana 7 361 597 $3,753 35,917 21
Iowa 5 247 409 $1,043 21,330 6
Kansas 1 102 299 $2,765 17,173 8
Kentucky 4 302 663 $95,360 42,180 223
Maine 3 184 307 $893 16,317 2
Maryland 2 188 373 $1,847 22,466 3
Massachusetts 4 269 533 $7,558 32,311 22
Michigan 11 608 1,100 $2,807 62,282 10
Minnesota 2 252 719 $14,806 39,103 65
Mississippi 1 89 177 $2,876 10,499 7
Missouri 6 283 477 $4,412 29,726 16
Nebraska 2 78 156 $1,165 10,410 4
Nevada 2 226 385 $7,488 34,883 12
New Brunswick 1 28 54 $130 3,446 0
New Hampshire 2 54 101 $480 6,355 0
New Jersey 1 36 70 $0 4,527 0
New York 7 374 522 $5,316 29,363 8
North Carolina 9 509 884 $4,158 48,565 22
Nova Scotia 1 25 73 $0 4,011 0
Ohio 6 312 618 $4,542 35,146 5
Oklahoma 3 98 230 $0 9,563 1
Ontario 3 446 1,294 $12,455 74,616 40
Oregon 4 307 610 $7,722 39,450 29
Pennsylvania 11 505 926 $6,892 43,063 22
South Carolina 3 206 419 $1,341 22,224 15
South Dakota 1 32 148 $0 0 2
Tennessee 2 95 178 $336 7,342 3
Texas 20 1,035 1,244 $8,276 73,563 41
Virginia 3 69 109 $495 7,429 2
Washington 3 284 722 $4,078 42,235 8
West Virginia 2 91 201 $1,450 8,746 2
Wisconsin 4 320 709 $6,313 46,155 14
Wyoming 1 43 86 $825 5,106 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 8 592 1,661 $13,733 94,834 42
Colombia 1 12 24 $0 1,714 0
Czech Republic 1 41 82 $0 4,928 1
Denmark 2 114 293 $1,277 18,070 4
Estonia 4 339 882 $10,773 58,979 89
Finland 11 1,105 2,523 $11,368 160,179 100
Germany 2 72 172 $0 10,692 9
Iceland 1 55 55 $0 3,433 1
Latvia 1 62 122 $0 7,417 0
Luxembourg 1 17 34 $0 1,829 0
Mexico 1 16 31 $0 1,975 0
Netherlands 1 44 88 $0 5,175 0
New Zealand 2 76 144 $120 5,099 0
Norway 3 166 408 $538 25,526 1
Sweden 20 1,353 2,310 $919 147,255 13
Switzerland 1 42 125 $2,829 8,456 6
United Kingdom 1 32 160 $63 7,567 1
United States 174 10,668 19,521 $223,530 1,112,931 710