StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-11-11 to Sunday 2019-11-17, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-11-11
(click to change weeks)
(2,458 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:04 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 42 509 1,145 $22,041 64,937 945
FPO 17 45 108 $2,673 7,439 851
MP40 23 110 273 $5,621 16,441 928
MP50 13 76 223 $5,566 12,817 927
FP40 3 4 11 $340 799 843
FP50 1 2 6 $160 481 724
MP60 3 13 42 $1,530 2,398 890
MP65 1 1 3 $0 175 938
MP70 1 1 2 $48 153 747
MA1 34 362 782 $0 47,662 918
FA1 17 48 98 $0 6,998 799
MA2 34 479 1,023 $0 63,087 891
FA2 13 34 76 $0 5,587 749
MA3 35 443 919 $0 59,856 838
FA3 15 23 46 $0 3,791 674

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 40 79 $423 4,460 1
California 3 280 608 $6,560 33,393 51
Delaware 1 67 133 $1,147 8,378 3
Florida 4 276 660 $2,441 41,285 26
Georgia 1 100 202 $2,265 16,187 11
Indiana 2 99 157 $331 9,590 3
Iowa 1 32 62 $185 3,236 2
Kentucky 1 38 76 $240 4,840 1
Louisiana 1 134 399 $3,883 25,454 15
Michigan 2 111 219 $1,205 14,304 6
Missouri 1 57 114 $511 6,606 1
Nebraska 1 44 44 $85 2,674 1
New Jersey 2 92 179 $376 11,432 2
New Mexico 2 69 183 $2,829 10,979 8
North Carolina 3 231 608 $2,900 36,196 23
South Carolina 2 89 175 $945 11,175 5
Texas 5 282 522 $4,566 35,156 19
Virginia 2 208 689 $5,680 42,348 20
Washington 1 75 87 $550 6,520 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 35 70 $0 3,710 2
Czech Republic 1 43 86 $0 4,856 0
Denmark 1 36 71 $256 4,957 2
France 1 29 56 $0 3,498 2
Italy 1 15 30 $0 2,179 0
Japan 1 25 98 $405 4,937 6
Latvia 1 28 52 $0 3,961 2
Netherlands 1 29 57 $0 2,540 0
Sweden 1 33 66 $241 4,053 0
United States 36 2,324 5,196 $37,122 324,213 203