StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-05-03 to Sunday 2021-05-09, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-05-03
(click to change weeks)
(9,982 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:09 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 90 1,662 3,789 $115,795 223,132 942
FPO 73 281 611 $21,108 39,737 852
MP40 50 452 997 $29,575 61,207 930
MP50 29 180 403 $12,305 25,657 919
FP40 33 87 173 $3,573 11,273 826
FP50 16 21 38 $904 2,443 828
MP55 3 7 16 $538 989 896
FP55 11 15 30 $588 1,855 840
MP60 9 41 90 $3,160 6,323 884
FP60 6 9 17 $328 1,027 830
MP65 1 2 4 $130 308 845
FP65 7 7 14 $100 901 784
MP70 1 4 12 $333 798 850
FP70 2 3 6 $208 501 556
MA1 84 1,218 2,420 $0 156,481 918
FA1 99 451 904 $0 59,075 820
MA2 84 1,464 2,790 $0 184,415 882
FA2 87 487 964 $0 64,288 774
MA3 76 1,347 2,561 $0 172,106 842
FA3 90 453 891 $0 64,686 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 119 350 $0 20,555 4
Alaska 2 60 118 $737 7,413 1
Alberta 2 15 26 $0 1,914 0
Arizona 2 169 333 $2,639 22,028 7
Arkansas 3 107 146 $523 9,376 2
California 8 507 1,332 $29,079 96,969 111
Colorado 5 385 970 $27,398 68,106 61
Delaware 1 64 128 $440 7,561 1
Florida 2 127 251 $175 17,375 0
Georgia 3 91 175 $275 10,943 0
Idaho 1 69 136 $920 8,448 1
Illinois 4 435 1,147 $14,923 69,357 78
Indiana 2 138 274 $589 16,230 2
Kansas 3 137 269 $2,659 16,940 3
Kentucky 2 191 378 $3,137 25,674 11
Louisiana 2 166 323 $3,025 22,803 6
Maine 1 140 270 $4,468 15,408 14
Manitoba 1 13 26 $0 1,921 0
Massachusetts 1 61 119 $1,410 8,433 0
Michigan 5 606 1,447 $17,142 90,920 47
Minnesota 2 227 285 $0 20,561 0
Missouri 3 249 405 $2,276 26,289 6
Montana 2 80 157 $2,295 10,928 3
Nebraska 2 102 202 $3,068 13,849 5
Nevada 2 108 213 $2,259 19,810 2
New Hampshire 2 143 283 $4,428 17,254 9
New Jersey 3 221 434 $4,934 27,114 13
New York 4 259 332 $897 21,716 4
North Carolina 11 504 996 $3,362 61,167 11
Ohio 4 242 450 $706 29,267 5
Oklahoma 1 54 108 $570 8,408 0
Oregon 6 292 479 $1,508 31,856 4
Pennsylvania 7 346 653 $2,296 45,570 4
Prince Edward Island 1 4 5 $0 325 0
Saskatchewan 1 17 34 $120 2,531 0
South Carolina 2 85 309 $11,665 17,469 84
Tennessee 3 103 177 $1,276 11,734 1
Texas 13 951 1,585 $15,111 111,384 50
Utah 2 82 162 $64 10,476 1
Vermont 1 84 164 $736 11,077 0
Virginia 1 48 88 $1,635 6,439 0
Washington 3 215 553 $6,258 33,155 33
West Virginia 2 161 251 $1,142 15,990 4
Wisconsin 5 310 613 $3,384 38,608 8

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 7 184 420 $459 28,595 0
Belgium 2 49 91 $0 6,698 2
Canada 5 49 91 $120 6,691 0
China 1 24 48 $643 2,215 0
Croatia 1 19 38 $0 1,921 0
Denmark 3 83 160 $0 10,996 0
Estonia 3 214 425 $0 26,351 17
Finland 4 452 891 $2,846 55,651 21
Iceland 1 16 32 $0 2,403 0
Japan 1 21 92 $460 4,315 8
Lithuania 1 90 179 $723 13,130 0
New Zealand 1 31 65 $395 3,717 3
Norway 3 131 338 $783 20,729 0
Slovakia 1 27 54 $0 3,345 2
South Korea 1 30 60 $0 3,931 0
Spain 1 20 37 $0 2,039 0
Sweden 5 354 681 $2,807 42,134 2
United Kingdom 2 97 190 $0 12,240 0
United States 129 8,438 17,065 $179,409 1,124,660 596