StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-08-30 to Sunday 2021-09-05, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-08-30
(click to change weeks)
(7,632 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:12 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 86 1,612 3,656 $144,017 222,655 951
FPO 32 171 452 $27,527 31,800 851
MP40 38 330 751 $24,358 48,907 931
MP50 19 144 385 $11,168 26,306 916
FP40 5 9 26 $854 1,997 835
FP50 1 1 2 $65 155 782
MP55 1 1 1 $22 59 894
MP60 10 42 103 $3,370 7,490 885
MP65 1 1 1 $15 61 828
FP65 1 1 1 $15 61 828
MP70 2 2 4 $81 290 783
MA1 76 1,143 2,573 $0 164,284 918
FA1 36 106 253 $0 17,938 807
MA2 78 1,384 3,006 $0 195,346 886
FA2 30 96 231 $0 17,952 752
MA3 76 1,428 2,960 $0 197,510 847
FA3 26 91 202 $0 16,067 715

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 82 161 $674 9,216 6
Alaska 1 33 130 $780 7,948 0
Arkansas 1 8 8 $38 531 0
California 2 388 1,144 $23,093 76,418 65
Colorado 2 68 68 $275 4,009 4
Florida 1 154 305 $1,210 21,572 6
Georgia 1 84 167 $0 9,271 1
Illinois 3 214 391 $2,070 23,466 6
Indiana 2 117 310 $10,529 20,335 45
Iowa 2 119 272 $1,979 17,686 2
Kansas 1 34 98 $0 6,387 1
Kentucky 2 109 163 $693 9,772 1
Maine 1 64 128 $0 7,497 0
Manitoba 1 9 18 $0 1,492 0
Maryland 1 73 146 $1,420 9,899 3
Massachusetts 1 192 563 $76,042 35,169 221
Michigan 2 558 1,457 $0 109,919 10
Minnesota 6 226 428 $1,664 25,001 2
Missouri 2 194 484 $4,374 29,850 15
Montana 1 26 52 $380 2,945 0
Nebraska 1 69 136 $2,500 8,840 2
New Mexico 1 49 97 $0 5,858 0
New York 2 118 356 $1,725 22,655 11
North Carolina 6 475 1,366 $8,775 85,240 43
North Dakota 1 50 196 $6,610 15,182 9
Ohio 4 239 493 $3,300 31,951 12
Oklahoma 1 11 11 $120 678 1
Ontario 1 21 21 $22 1,322 0
Oregon 2 193 385 $5,325 27,244 22
Pennsylvania 4 219 434 $1,566 29,659 8
Quebec 1 88 176 $703 11,752 1
South Carolina 1 84 167 $883 10,442 9
Tennessee 1 126 375 $0 23,132 4
Texas 9 596 962 $9,941 58,222 25
Virginia 3 187 369 $1,523 26,595 5
Washington 1 63 122 $598 6,798 6
West Virginia 2 197 496 $12,703 31,976 28
Wisconsin 2 303 605 $9,382 46,518 30

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 118 215 $725 14,566 1
Estonia 2 93 145 $0 8,109 2
Finland 12 971 1,725 $10,788 110,277 93
Germany 2 92 242 $0 16,378 14
Netherlands 1 29 58 $0 3,400 0
Norway 5 292 727 $6,628 44,395 6
Serbia 1 30 95 $0 5,439 0
Sweden 9 669 1,462 $3,179 97,957 17
Ukraine 1 32 91 $0 5,969 0
United States 74 5,722 13,045 $190,172 857,881 603