StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-05-24 to Sunday 2021-05-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-05-24
(click to change weeks)
(7,707 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:10 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 80 1,392 2,870 $113,661 178,078 957
FPO 27 119 291 $22,212 22,705 881
MP40 42 365 788 $28,680 52,959 934
MP50 21 157 363 $16,567 25,594 933
FP40 6 14 29 $2,067 2,658 874
FP50 2 3 7 $229 523 805
MP55 2 5 7 $130 422 884
MP60 11 53 101 $6,297 8,476 902
MP70 2 5 10 $516 893 860
FP70 1 2 4 $0 422 474
MA1 75 1,182 2,386 $0 148,466 913
FA1 45 108 237 $0 17,258 795
MA2 85 1,608 3,191 $0 201,891 880
FA2 40 87 172 $0 12,951 756
MA3 79 1,544 3,033 $0 200,429 842
FA3 30 64 119 $0 9,087 694

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 476 1,117 $8,418 64,513 34
Alaska 1 63 251 $965 14,982 12
Arkansas 2 165 326 $1,661 20,234 6
California 3 354 736 $75,756 58,758 163
Colorado 3 269 448 $5,616 25,293 8
Delaware 1 66 131 $0 8,448 1
Florida 3 405 782 $4,880 45,829 14
Georgia 1 71 140 $925 9,108 7
Idaho 1 138 273 $3,880 17,197 15
Illinois 1 214 421 $1,220 26,143 5
Indiana 1 73 215 $2,005 16,919 10
Iowa 3 199 392 $3,357 23,360 9
Kentucky 1 68 134 $0 9,146 0
Maine 1 80 158 $475 10,644 3
Maryland 1 10 9 $21 598 0
Massachusetts 2 121 234 $4,900 15,214 20
Michigan 7 450 870 $2,187 58,797 8
Minnesota 5 379 823 $5,213 49,196 12
Missouri 3 419 1,312 $10,130 81,490 46
Nebraska 1 73 146 $321 9,337 1
Nevada 1 67 134 $0 7,905 0
New Hampshire 2 109 215 $1,240 14,663 5
New York 1 129 382 $2,298 26,995 9
North Carolina 4 304 582 $3,381 39,621 15
Ohio 2 302 397 $2,967 28,098 12
Oklahoma 1 85 170 $660 11,051 8
Oregon 2 75 132 $395 7,780 4
Pennsylvania 1 42 78 $506 5,557 2
South Carolina 2 165 325 $2,122 20,187 12
South Dakota 2 124 248 $1,498 15,422 6
Tennessee 1 55 109 $1,046 6,295 0
Texas 11 668 937 $7,526 58,248 26
Utah 1 70 69 $130 4,526 1
Virginia 2 116 170 $543 11,600 4
Washington 2 304 602 $17,494 47,159 37
Wisconsin 2 153 306 $1,651 22,510 15

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Czech Republic 1 24 48 $0 2,852 0
Finland 5 574 1,131 $11,343 84,790 103
Norway 4 241 469 $1,534 30,282 2
Sweden 4 283 548 $0 35,077 2
United Kingdom 3 112 331 $2,095 19,842 3
United States 82 6,861 13,774 $175,387 892,823 530