StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-05-28 to Sunday 2018-06-03, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-05-28
(click to change weeks)
(5,858 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:57 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 70 1,140 3,064 $83,498 174,330 948
FPO 32 145 419 $10,387 27,483 853
MP40 37 325 893 $22,772 53,100 930
MP50 27 149 412 $11,701 24,257 913
FP40 6 17 45 $1,270 2,849 840
FP50 2 2 4 $90 263 809
MP55 3 11 22 $145 1,141 915
FP55 1 2 4 $0 228 848
MP60 10 30 86 $2,558 5,296 877
MP65 1 3 6 $0 329 876
FP65 2 2 5 $0 362 737
MP70 3 6 16 $220 1,123 792
MA1 74 1,173 2,937 $0 178,632 922
FA1 28 113 298 $0 20,905 803
MA2 62 976 2,372 $0 148,122 882
FA2 27 93 228 $0 16,576 764
MA3 60 815 1,925 $0 124,626 846
FA3 23 70 178 $0 13,027 701

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 25 94 $200 4,989 0
Arkansas 1 109 327 $1,895 18,958 6
California 7 593 1,473 $20,314 86,895 60
Colorado 2 104 207 $0 11,826 1
Florida 2 122 324 $2,715 20,813 7
Georgia 1 23 46 $0 3,015 0
Idaho 1 16 31 $0 1,796 0
Illinois 4 223 436 $2,266 27,387 5
Indiana 2 70 139 $192 8,839 2
Iowa 4 202 402 $2,659 24,601 7
Kansas 1 108 216 $675 13,129 7
Kentucky 1 36 70 $0 4,073 0
Maine 1 71 150 $1,455 9,014 7
Massachusetts 2 71 108 $72 7,066 0
Michigan 6 354 879 $4,214 54,854 31
Minnesota 2 160 317 $2,197 21,202 10
Mississippi 1 28 58 $325 3,049 1
Nebraska 1 33 131 $430 8,290 1
New Hampshire 1 24 24 $57 1,327 0
New Mexico 1 44 88 $685 5,338 2
New York 1 59 231 $2,250 14,332 9
North Carolina 3 207 576 $1,666 36,950 15
Ohio 3 216 569 $2,733 36,586 19
Oklahoma 3 181 508 $10,505 29,364 35
Ontario 1 70 208 $1,800 13,722 9
Oregon 2 177 351 $1,115 21,186 8
Pennsylvania 3 184 454 $2,956 28,342 22
Quebec 1 38 76 $290 4,736 1
South Carolina 1 81 238 $1,330 14,738 4
Tennessee 2 97 262 $8,219 15,333 20
Texas 5 412 1,063 $12,558 65,777 41
Utah 2 35 70 $120 4,199 1
Virginia 3 123 233 $2,345 16,604 4
Washington 3 484 1,495 $25,588 92,524 116
Wisconsin 1 65 130 $760 8,340 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 21 40 $57 2,761 0
Canada 2 108 284 $2,090 18,458 10
Croatia 1 18 61 $0 3,313 0
Estonia 2 90 178 $0 11,134 1
Finland 5 297 629 $990 41,805 3
France 1 57 192 $337 10,982 5
Germany 2 133 464 $3,163 25,550 18
Latvia 1 89 265 $1,774 15,644 2
Netherlands 1 35 66 $0 4,242 0
Norway 2 90 297 $6,098 17,465 11
Sweden 4 238 533 $4,386 34,422 25
United States 77 5,087 12,766 $113,779 788,588 455