StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-09-12 to Sunday 2022-09-18, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-09-12
(click to change weeks)
(11,455 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-09-22 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 140 2,078 4,608 $127,403 277,675 945
FPO 55 247 637 $39,204 44,386 863
MP40 72 492 1,093 $15,003 67,429 923
MP50 47 208 472 $6,422 29,488 910
FP40 7 17 40 $777 2,875 768
FP50 2 3 5 $214 306 835
MP55 2 4 6 $115 377 845
FP55 1 1 2 $0 118 795
MP60 21 60 127 $2,382 8,052 894
FP60 1 1 3 $0 182 857
MP65 3 5 11 $33 753 904
MA1 144 1,699 3,571 $0 220,867 916
FA1 54 146 317 $0 22,409 792
MA2 147 2,075 4,042 $0 252,146 884
FA2 50 132 259 $0 19,227 754
MA3 139 2,238 4,171 $0 269,774 850
FA3 45 107 213 $0 15,885 705

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 130 220 $2,291 13,501 14
Alaska 1 42 126 $720 7,510 2
Alberta 2 85 170 $0 10,652 1
Arkansas 2 170 344 $5,667 22,280 4
California 6 585 949 $2,057 65,397 30
Colorado 7 168 212 $1,411 12,396 4
Florida 6 225 356 $1,852 22,257 4
Georgia 5 301 590 $1,907 37,154 2
Idaho 1 408 1,169 $0 76,863 38
Illinois 3 261 293 $0 17,350 1
Indiana 7 233 506 $373 32,841 36
Iowa 2 122 242 $1,172 14,574 1
Kansas 4 245 542 $4,007 31,729 16
Kentucky 4 213 355 $1,326 21,884 5
Louisiana 1 68 134 $0 7,681 2
Maryland 1 42 81 $0 5,254 3
Massachusetts 6 197 331 $620 20,618 0
Michigan 5 253 483 $831 28,413 8
Minnesota 3 175 348 $645 19,282 12
Missouri 5 697 1,722 $266 108,606 59
Montana 1 47 93 $1,310 5,700 0
Nebraska 3 98 195 $504 12,609 7
Nevada 1 108 212 $2,449 12,810 3
New Jersey 3 145 290 $2,472 20,551 5
New Mexico 1 8 24 $0 1,361 2
New York 8 308 603 $3,614 39,517 5
North Carolina 3 413 1,369 $0 80,575 51
North Dakota 1 105 208 $3,305 12,513 4
Ohio 8 727 1,321 $6,278 88,968 20
Oklahoma 2 68 135 $444 8,004 7
Ontario 2 135 267 $0 16,814 0
Oregon 2 100 220 $1,822 12,839 1
Pennsylvania 8 363 640 $2,614 40,321 15
Quebec 1 81 161 $818 10,087 0
Saskatchewan 1 46 92 $620 5,315 2
South Carolina 3 176 459 $0 27,599 4
South Dakota 1 44 128 $5,050 8,251 12
Tennessee 3 186 362 $528 21,323 14
Texas 14 543 774 $1,795 48,475 9
Utah 1 13 26 $0 1,795 0
Vermont 2 274 874 $100,838 56,195 242
Virginia 7 400 775 $182 49,459 3
Washington 3 121 319 $1,270 19,133 22
Wisconsin 5 722 1,398 $15,028 83,217 49

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 116 232 $0 20,732 1
Austria 1 100 299 $0 20,407 7
Belize 1 10 20 $150 1,379 0
Canada 6 347 690 $1,438 42,868 3
Czech Republic 1 74 221 $0 15,385 2
Denmark 3 164 327 $0 20,322 1
Finland 8 508 1,078 $9,709 70,083 107
Germany 2 112 302 $0 18,635 6
Iceland 1 11 10 $0 601 0
Lithuania 2 89 178 $736 11,276 0
Mexico 2 85 173 $0 12,882 0
Netherlands 1 29 29 $0 2,882 0
New Zealand 2 62 109 $0 7,368 1
Norway 3 174 429 $4,195 26,502 5
Poland 1 104 306 $0 19,894 3
Portugal 1 17 51 $0 3,451 0
Singapore 1 36 70 $0 4,719 1
Sweden 9 514 705 $877 52,256 1
Switzerland 1 26 76 $0 4,531 4
United Kingdom 2 78 155 $0 9,583 4
United States 151 9,504 19,428 $174,648 1,216,805 716