StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-11-25 to Sunday 2024-12-01, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-11-25
(click to change weeks)
(4,924 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-12-08 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 97 752 1,319 $17,106 59,068 945
FPO 23 73 130 $2,097 9,492 847
MP40 56 280 471 $6,755 25,359 923
MP50 31 87 151 $2,486 7,910 903
FP40 5 8 14 $125 1,016 823
FP50 2 2 3 $25 225 766
MP55 1 1 1 $20 87 625
FP55 1 1 1 $0 66 845
MP60 20 40 57 $729 3,774 893
MP65 1 1 6 $0 0 893
MP70 2 3 5 $121 359 824
MA1 91 739 1,286 $0 54,266 907
FA1 24 52 92 $0 5,553 799
MA2 94 817 1,359 $0 65,619 890
FA2 16 30 58 $0 4,904 759
MA3 100 1,027 1,715 $0 93,036 853
FA3 20 36 54 $0 3,250 715

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 113 186 $638 10,224 2
Arizona 2 69 174 $0 0 0
Arkansas 3 134 136 $196 7,588 2
California 2 126 435 $165 2,377 30
Colorado 3 141 148 $595 8,277 2
Florida 6 349 722 $912 41,784 12
Georgia 8 283 550 $910 18,804 9
Illinois 5 291 361 $2,260 22,753 11
Indiana 2 45 70 $100 3,987 0
Iowa 4 136 152 $924 8,843 2
Kentucky 2 65 150 $63 4,030 3
Louisiana 1 52 106 $1,531 7,002 5
Manitoba 1 24 125 $0 0 1
Massachusetts 1 84 85 $255 5,459 4
Michigan 2 154 284 $1,397 16,919 6
Minnesota 3 111 109 $407 7,971 0
Mississippi 2 48 153 $160 2,939 0
Missouri 6 300 302 $1,389 19,666 6
Nebraska 1 20 20 $250 1,097 0
Nevada 1 53 53 $329 3,667 2
New Hampshire 1 30 30 $210 1,943 1
New Jersey 1 16 22 $160 973 0
New York 1 33 86 $0 3,584 0
North Carolina 5 156 327 $1,338 13,661 13
Ohio 2 30 87 $0 461 1
Oklahoma 1 99 197 $1,860 11,385 5
Oregon 4 129 193 $192 6,635 3
Pennsylvania 2 145 276 $0 19,740 10
South Carolina 2 113 112 $0 6,189 3
Tennessee 5 238 433 $4,882 23,300 19
Texas 14 581 665 $2,304 41,399 20
Virginia 2 142 209 $1,052 13,610 4
Washington 2 144 289 $3,374 16,686 5
West Virginia 1 42 43 $0 2,530 0
Wisconsin 5 200 324 $1,261 19,797 9

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 131 360 $61 30,026 0
Canada 1 24 125 $0 0 1
Colombia 1 38 117 $0 6,980 0
Denmark 1 7 7 $0 487 0
Finland 2 100 172 $0 9,193 4
France 1 38 78 $0 5,468 1
Germany 2 99 200 $0 13,336 8
Japan 1 69 136 $0 12,486 1
Mexico 1 6 9 $0 286 0
Norway 1 24 50 $90 3,145 0
Panama 1 12 12 $0 728 0
Spain 1 19 58 $34 2,942 0
Sweden 2 117 116 $0 7,612 0
Thailand 1 17 54 $200 3,198 3
Ukraine 1 23 48 $0 3,283 0
United Kingdom 2 37 88 $0 2,825 1
United States 105 4,672 7,489 $29,114 375,280 189