StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-06-04 to Sunday 2018-06-10, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-06-04
(click to change weeks)
(5,356 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:57 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 77 1,071 2,581 $82,726 154,726 951
FPO 32 118 346 $11,442 23,948 862
MP40 44 328 829 $21,932 52,078 928
MP50 21 128 356 $9,802 22,576 924
FP40 3 11 34 $1,451 2,537 834
FP50 3 3 6 $190 484 781
MP55 1 1 1 $16 68 880
MP60 8 14 38 $653 2,604 859
MP70 1 1 1 $0 79 780
MA1 77 1,102 2,644 $0 167,860 915
FA1 26 84 209 $0 15,849 794
MA2 70 1,014 2,311 $0 149,576 879
FA2 22 53 114 $0 8,533 751
MA3 67 806 1,677 $0 114,130 847
FA3 28 55 116 $0 9,650 677

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 101 199 $405 11,142 3
Alaska 1 14 27 $0 1,641 0
Alberta 1 84 248 $2,027 15,718 7
Arizona 1 91 180 $3,417 11,676 8
California 3 205 489 $5,192 28,875 20
Delaware 1 124 366 $0 22,513 6
Florida 2 67 129 $1,555 8,425 4
Georgia 2 135 272 $3,401 21,050 18
Idaho 1 66 191 $3,485 13,275 18
Illinois 4 151 437 $3,245 24,559 14
Indiana 2 54 108 $337 6,836 1
Iowa 2 101 200 $1,048 11,496 6
Kansas 2 24 48 $333 2,815 2
Kentucky 2 133 261 $2,427 19,771 4
Louisiana 2 93 183 $1,024 12,496 3
Maine 1 16 32 $0 2,001 0
Maryland 1 30 60 $219 4,048 3
Massachusetts 2 34 63 $449 3,975 1
Michigan 7 427 848 $6,641 53,379 23
Minnesota 4 92 186 $2,320 10,860 3
Mississippi 2 39 103 $1,885 6,717 4
Missouri 3 292 856 $13,875 53,014 54
Nebraska 1 11 22 $635 1,350 1
New Hampshire 1 29 58 $400 3,583 0
New York 2 136 344 $2,195 25,285 5
North Carolina 1 83 164 $200 9,110 5
Nova Scotia 1 24 71 $179 4,826 0
Ohio 2 142 396 $3,100 30,860 5
Oklahoma 2 78 196 $1,688 12,172 4
Ontario 1 64 64 $206 4,070 3
Oregon 2 301 1,047 $44,415 69,000 235
Pennsylvania 1 22 44 $335 2,611 1
South Carolina 1 32 95 $235 6,172 1
South Dakota 1 23 23 $264 2,001 1
Tennessee 4 201 401 $1,683 22,904 8
Texas 7 445 940 $6,057 59,612 29
Utah 1 85 247 $0 15,733 0
Vermont 1 140 413 $4,750 28,367 17
Virginia 2 102 200 $1,581 12,822 9

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 172 383 $2,412 24,614 10
Denmark 1 37 72 $0 4,977 0
Estonia 1 45 41 $0 2,841 0
Finland 5 436 814 $867 57,284 2
Germany 1 61 240 $0 17,508 8
Norway 2 101 198 $684 14,149 1
Serbia 1 34 67 $0 4,410 1
Slovakia 1 41 150 $0 8,556 3
Sweden 8 418 927 $2,375 57,446 11
Switzerland 1 55 163 $998 10,147 7
United Kingdom 1 62 221 $1,165 12,653 7
United States 79 4,199 9,985 $119,711 642,285 516