StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-05-06 to Sunday 2019-05-12, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-05-06
(click to change weeks)
(6,101 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:01 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 83 1,200 2,606 $84,403 156,309 948
FPO 40 166 369 $12,243 25,145 853
MP40 50 334 719 $14,461 42,890 919
MP50 18 91 199 $3,313 12,396 896
FP40 6 18 38 $729 2,442 843
MP55 2 9 20 $222 1,047 851
MP60 6 14 32 $604 2,151 874
MA1 76 983 2,077 $0 125,887 914
FA1 32 135 276 $0 18,754 811
MA2 80 1,116 2,275 $0 142,244 880
FA2 29 118 246 $0 17,798 757
MA3 70 946 1,909 $0 127,193 847
FA3 27 96 193 $0 14,932 704

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 22 44 $0 2,815 0
Alaska 1 20 39 $315 2,049 2
Arizona 1 4 8 $0 485 0
Arkansas 1 72 142 $1,564 9,052 3
British Columbia 1 23 46 $357 2,879 0
California 3 327 794 $44,639 50,039 138
Colorado 3 214 423 $2,165 26,720 9
Connecticut 1 64 128 $834 8,026 3
Florida 2 133 265 $946 16,691 10
Georgia 3 168 318 $290 20,503 4
Illinois 2 126 245 $2,333 18,768 12
Indiana 1 82 159 $1,291 12,263 0
Iowa 1 39 78 $444 4,175 3
Kansas 1 95 190 $1,501 12,862 0
Kentucky 1 69 138 $2,574 9,406 9
Maine 1 34 68 $1,550 5,298 0
Manitoba 1 27 52 $0 3,084 0
Massachusetts 1 55 207 $240 11,824 1
Michigan 6 385 763 $4,369 51,914 14
Minnesota 1 92 183 $1,360 9,251 7
Mississippi 2 53 103 $800 5,696 2
Missouri 2 144 281 $1,846 18,243 5
New Hampshire 1 63 124 $1,085 8,051 2
New Jersey 2 207 530 $7,055 32,092 25
New Mexico 1 9 8 $233 743 0
New York 2 119 238 $1,926 16,653 13
North Carolina 3 187 345 $1,730 19,304 14
Ohio 4 219 475 $1,196 30,267 5
Oklahoma 2 59 115 $672 6,948 4
Ontario 2 72 94 $216 6,394 3
Oregon 3 162 400 $3,715 27,063 14
Pennsylvania 2 138 276 $0 18,903 0
Quebec 1 66 132 $439 8,002 0
South Carolina 1 72 283 $0 18,103 3
South Dakota 1 24 24 $310 2,230 0
Tennessee 1 34 66 $650 3,825 2
Texas 8 319 594 $4,540 37,399 12
Utah 1 20 20 $0 1,264 1
Vermont 1 78 155 $1,122 8,699 3
Virginia 2 98 190 $1,595 13,078 4
Washington 4 145 288 $1,140 16,919 3
West Virginia 1 12 24 $0 1,664 0
Wisconsin 3 202 385 $4,953 24,916 13

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 88 175 $548 11,536 0
Canada 5 188 324 $1,012 20,359 3
Denmark 1 50 147 $605 8,287 3
Estonia 2 168 334 $1,133 21,999 1
Finland 9 641 1,343 $7,366 83,777 72
France 1 22 42 $0 2,707 0
Germany 1 41 123 $0 5,265 4
Latvia 1 17 34 $0 2,218 0
Lithuania 1 40 80 $371 5,871 1
Netherlands 1 41 82 $0 5,334 0
Norway 5 211 439 $1,979 26,886 3
South Korea 1 26 52 $270 2,720 0
Sweden 10 417 767 $1,519 48,555 20
United Kingdom 2 45 112 $334 7,396 3
United States 78 4,365 9,116 $100,983 584,201 340