StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-06-24 to Sunday 2024-06-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-06-24
(click to change weeks)
(14,493 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-07-04 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 189 2,737 6,106 $160,270 285,171 946
FPO 73 281 666 $30,512 41,780 861
MP40 103 786 1,939 $38,876 98,242 931
MP50 53 285 720 $17,737 42,047 916
FP40 18 52 139 $3,481 9,830 818
FP50 7 16 52 $1,115 3,496 826
MP55 5 57 173 $5,217 11,722 926
FP55 1 5 17 $337 1,269 772
MP60 25 87 221 $4,997 14,009 892
FP60 1 5 20 $345 1,729 709
MP65 2 13 44 $862 3,229 874
MP70 4 18 64 $1,327 4,439 850
MA1 192 2,488 5,915 $0 231,685 903
FA1 80 230 514 $0 26,569 805
MA2 173 2,237 4,871 $0 218,835 888
FA2 56 141 316 $0 17,129 769
MA3 182 2,800 5,874 $0 269,889 849
FA3 70 153 351 $0 18,424 707

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 93 189 $0 6,485 1
Alberta 1 29 141 $0 0 0
Arizona 1 21 82 $0 0 1
Arkansas 2 187 322 $4,596 19,029 14
British Columbia 1 457 1,357 $16,498 84,361 52
California 7 736 1,918 $9,172 63,822 72
Colorado 5 318 545 $2,782 33,640 11
Connecticut 2 184 364 $2,838 21,230 7
Florida 6 133 172 $172 9,027 0
Georgia 9 395 809 $2,143 33,566 16
Idaho 1 23 92 $0 0 2
Illinois 6 252 527 $1,425 21,430 5
Indiana 8 381 1,090 $7,931 34,922 51
Iowa 6 264 474 $1,681 25,092 6
Kansas 5 304 659 $1,977 25,469 12
Kentucky 5 241 418 $1,512 25,708 12
Louisiana 1 72 256 $0 0 7
Maine 3 193 267 $2,974 16,379 3
Manitoba 5 84 540 $0 2,361 1
Maryland 2 146 288 $2,915 18,066 8
Massachusetts 5 412 548 $764 34,029 6
Michigan 10 570 1,474 $11,787 67,271 58
Minnesota 4 441 839 $39,037 58,398 135
Mississippi 1 89 178 $0 10,406 6
Missouri 7 449 1,280 $25,615 54,055 80
Montana 2 190 380 $0 20,856 9
Nebraska 3 88 175 $0 11,253 1
Nevada 1 93 182 $1,291 11,112 2
New Hampshire 1 71 141 $3,049 11,604 12
New Jersey 6 293 730 $3,567 31,076 6
New Mexico 1 78 229 $3,820 13,580 7
New York 3 200 290 $320 10,139 8
North Carolina 7 491 855 $2,552 35,733 9
Nova Scotia 2 142 485 $1,250 13,433 6
Ohio 6 427 1,160 $895 30,894 17
Oklahoma 3 168 255 $1,784 14,718 4
Ontario 2 96 206 $225 8,391 3
Oregon 4 183 540 $8,169 32,245 20
Pennsylvania 7 429 1,002 $1,671 50,066 19
Saskatchewan 1 23 114 $0 0 5
South Carolina 8 376 727 $593 23,962 11
South Dakota 1 52 104 $513 7,686 1
Tennessee 9 537 857 $3,221 47,718 13
Texas 16 727 1,014 $7,115 57,574 21
Utah 1 46 94 $0 5,447 1
Virginia 5 294 855 $1,968 26,738 5
Washington 2 173 530 $4,446 23,277 17
West Virginia 1 59 173 $1,148 10,550 1
Wisconsin 5 251 558 $2,550 17,043 19

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 48 49 $0 2,608 0
Canada 12 831 2,843 $17,973 108,546 67
Colombia 1 33 68 $0 4,794 0
Czech Republic 1 72 146 $0 8,617 4
Denmark 1 37 67 $0 4,095 0
Estonia 4 157 252 $0 16,596 2
Finland 18 1,599 3,971 $16,641 168,390 83
France 1 58 117 $0 8,222 2
Germany 1 72 215 $0 13,474 10
Iceland 3 140 381 $0 15,132 3
Japan 1 33 151 $0 7,748 13
Latvia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Mexico 1 34 104 $248 6,567 0
New Zealand 1 75 149 $0 14,657 4
Norway 4 338 799 $302 50,810 7
Poland 2 49 100 $0 6,507 0
Sweden 21 1,205 2,273 $62,003 134,869 182
Switzerland 1 32 62 $0 4,301 0
United Kingdom 1 41 126 $0 6,103 1
United States 190 11,130 23,642 $167,993 1,071,295 716