StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-08-24 to Sunday 2020-08-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-08-24
(click to change weeks)
(6,404 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:06 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 74 1,327 3,187 $75,992 188,855 946
FPO 44 139 362 $8,588 24,958 844
MP40 48 390 967 $18,932 61,306 918
MP50 27 184 468 $10,432 30,737 905
FP40 4 16 46 $279 3,306 800
FP50 2 5 10 $213 806 789
MP60 10 52 123 $2,303 8,705 854
FP60 1 1 2 $0 204 713
MP65 1 1 1 $15 74 843
FP65 1 1 1 $15 74 744
MP70 1 1 2 $0 125 777
MA1 68 1,100 2,264 $0 143,975 918
FA1 37 101 217 $0 15,941 779
MA2 71 1,188 2,369 $0 148,184 881
FA2 24 68 126 $0 9,170 768
MA3 70 992 1,901 $0 123,500 846
FA3 23 62 130 $0 10,464 678

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 275 547 $6,989 31,489 11
Alaska 2 79 155 $1,337 10,709 5
Alberta 3 67 118 $183 7,940 1
Arkansas 1 55 109 $688 6,227 1
California 3 336 745 $7,592 51,703 41
Colorado 2 223 555 $2,748 32,993 15
Delaware 1 64 126 $650 7,781 7
Florida 1 138 272 $4,071 16,970 9
Georgia 6 276 493 $1,497 30,493 13
Idaho 1 59 117 $1,170 7,763 5
Illinois 1 160 315 $1,181 19,311 6
Indiana 1 156 461 $5,580 27,274 38
Iowa 1 53 102 $0 6,021 2
Kansas 3 153 279 $1,323 15,273 7
Kentucky 1 99 99 $550 6,430 0
Massachusetts 2 103 102 $576 5,850 3
Michigan 4 266 498 $6,192 29,463 28
Minnesota 3 287 526 $755 43,813 4
Missouri 4 180 356 $2,993 21,785 9
Montana 1 11 55 $342 3,379 3
Nebraska 1 64 128 $1,886 8,975 4
New Jersey 1 70 136 $0 8,724 0
New York 2 203 406 $3,816 26,431 11
North Carolina 2 210 415 $2,670 23,393 24
North Dakota 1 33 99 $1,660 5,923 5
Ohio 2 172 237 $2,281 17,935 1
Oklahoma 2 134 222 $2,874 13,814 10
Ontario 1 124 368 $5,640 24,710 24
Oregon 1 133 391 $4,373 23,501 34
Pennsylvania 1 159 317 $2,921 19,187 8
South Carolina 2 114 225 $888 13,509 10
Tennessee 1 84 166 $1,472 9,290 9
Texas 2 73 144 $1,310 8,858 7
Utah 1 57 112 $2,562 7,316 7
Virginia 2 129 192 $631 11,188 0
Washington 2 241 662 $11,475 56,364 53
Wisconsin 2 199 390 $3,358 25,440 16

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 4 191 486 $5,823 32,650 25
Czech Republic 1 50 150 $0 7,760 4
Estonia 1 239 846 $6,656 57,636 27
Finland 7 300 663 $1,031 41,662 7
Germany 3 146 500 $675 30,788 8
Iceland 1 69 205 $0 13,778 3
Norway 2 149 381 $7,672 25,242 14
Slovenia 1 30 106 $0 5,360 1
Sweden 12 524 1,071 $4,501 64,209 8
United Kingdom 1 11 22 $0 787 0
United States 65 5,048 10,154 $90,411 654,575 406