StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-10-21 to Sunday 2019-10-27, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-10-21
(click to change weeks)
(3,859 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:03 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 69 819 1,857 $52,424 106,384 947
FPO 27 77 195 $4,385 12,664 859
MP40 34 228 550 $16,518 32,612 930
MP50 21 130 326 $9,022 19,848 916
FP40 2 3 8 $451 682 853
MP55 1 2 2 $180 132 942
FP55 1 1 1 $90 77 853
MP60 7 17 45 $1,352 2,896 893
MP65 1 1 2 $95 108 934
MA1 61 655 1,426 $0 85,926 917
FA1 22 64 149 $0 10,528 793
MA2 54 762 1,643 $0 101,699 884
FA2 21 57 113 $0 7,939 760
MA3 50 529 1,079 $0 70,494 838
FA3 20 45 91 $0 6,995 697

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 11 22 $110 1,161 0
Arkansas 1 60 114 $1,386 6,377 4
California 3 226 450 $2,260 28,271 14
Colorado 2 110 219 $3,214 12,769 13
Connecticut 1 57 98 $144 5,472 3
Florida 4 152 234 $1,156 14,233 4
Georgia 2 132 263 $1,884 16,925 23
Idaho 1 46 162 $2,900 10,794 5
Illinois 2 159 305 $2,344 19,591 5
Indiana 1 71 142 $536 11,020 2
Kentucky 1 55 109 $624 6,328 2
Maine 1 54 104 $1,748 6,492 2
Michigan 2 107 212 $1,135 12,883 3
Minnesota 1 22 22 $360 1,967 0
Missouri 3 201 396 $3,905 24,294 12
Nebraska 1 31 31 $200 2,839 0
Nevada 1 170 492 $6,543 33,674 21
New Hampshire 3 251 608 $7,535 37,920 14
North Carolina 3 250 797 $3,542 46,717 35
Ohio 3 121 238 $1,151 14,820 5
Oklahoma 1 29 58 $1,353 3,654 2
Oregon 2 81 161 $1,111 9,217 8
Pennsylvania 3 127 252 $902 15,722 10
South Carolina 1 59 116 $250 7,144 5
Tennessee 1 74 146 $1,655 8,064 4
Texas 7 316 652 $23,519 43,207 60
Utah 1 48 95 $650 6,261 5
Virginia 2 102 257 $3,950 16,476 19
Washington 2 153 410 $4,855 24,698 18
West Virginia 1 30 60 $0 4,184 0
Wisconsin 3 84 168 $690 10,276 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 38 146 $0 7,547 1
Czech Republic 1 40 80 $0 4,345 2
Denmark 2 77 142 $0 10,059 1
Estonia 1 63 122 $1,133 9,569 1
Finland 3 124 232 $484 14,792 4
France 1 16 31 $0 1,863 0
Germany 5 156 407 $886 21,884 17
Italy 1 14 49 $0 2,909 0
Sweden 1 63 63 $0 4,268 2
Thailand 2 45 130 $298 6,841 0
United Kingdom 1 53 185 $104 9,458 4
United States 61 3,389 7,393 $81,612 463,450 299