StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-09-10 to Sunday 2018-09-16, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-09-10
(click to change weeks)
(4,406 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:58 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 70 1,277 2,937 $89,503 178,451 944
FPO 39 128 309 $11,627 21,505 852
MP40 44 323 714 $15,575 43,620 919
MP50 28 167 382 $8,166 24,131 909
FP40 1 5 10 $65 725 749
MP55 1 1 2 $45 136 930
MP60 8 19 37 $734 2,423 848
MP65 1 1 1 $0 52 906
MP70 1 1 2 $50 163 830
MA1 55 705 1,449 $0 90,743 922
FA1 26 77 161 $0 11,541 797
MA2 51 686 1,385 $0 90,569 883
FA2 19 47 96 $0 7,597 732
MA3 49 623 1,233 $0 81,161 846
FA3 20 54 90 $0 7,454 717

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 21 63 $480 3,997 2
Arizona 1 27 49 $0 2,688 0
California 4 281 586 $5,748 34,559 34
Connecticut 1 66 132 $635 7,892 3
Delaware 1 78 233 $27,004 16,624 95
Florida 2 159 316 $986 18,672 9
Illinois 2 118 231 $996 15,267 2
Iowa 3 124 247 $1,804 13,864 10
Kansas 1 95 185 $3,041 13,431 14
Kentucky 1 67 133 $3,475 8,188 4
Louisiana 1 67 126 $1,351 8,468 2
Maine 1 81 162 $5,493 10,078 9
Massachusetts 1 22 43 $813 2,754 1
Michigan 5 305 523 $2,491 30,287 16
Minnesota 1 55 110 $600 6,498 1
Montana 1 66 201 $4,025 11,647 16
Nebraska 2 42 82 $440 4,889 0
Nevada 1 70 198 $3,330 10,675 11
New Hampshire 1 21 21 $54 1,180 0
New York 1 88 262 $3,165 19,220 15
Ohio 3 179 267 $3,240 19,155 9
Oklahoma 1 67 124 $2,736 7,693 7
Oregon 3 159 389 $4,152 28,344 36
Pennsylvania 2 70 138 $370 9,013 3
Prince Edward Island 4 388 806 $12,269 53,691 40
Saskatchewan 1 19 58 $345 3,498 0
South Dakota 1 80 226 $2,186 13,258 5
Tennessee 3 251 496 $5,525 30,627 18
Texas 4 172 306 $2,129 19,727 10
Utah 2 40 48 $0 2,824 0
Virginia 1 41 82 $292 5,173 1
Washington 2 115 225 $705 15,300 6
Wisconsin 1 185 368 $6,199 30,689 17

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 28 54 $0 3,212 1
Canada 5 407 864 $12,614 57,189 40
Czech Republic 1 77 259 $611 15,573 3
Estonia 2 126 250 $912 17,223 3
Finland 10 393 772 $9,535 50,789 24
Germany 2 56 168 $0 7,471 6
Hungary 1 23 46 $0 3,539 0
Netherlands 1 28 55 $0 2,885 0
Norway 2 87 288 $3,643 20,031 12
Sweden 2 185 468 $4,793 27,054 31
Switzerland 1 33 99 $0 4,268 8
Thailand 1 8 16 $0 969 1
United States 56 3,289 6,723 $93,657 433,478 360