StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-05-10 to Sunday 2021-05-16, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-05-10
(click to change weeks)
(10,957 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:10 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 103 1,831 3,846 $152,251 234,221 956
FPO 42 189 436 $25,270 31,255 869
MP40 66 487 1,030 $30,099 65,233 932
MP50 33 235 515 $15,137 33,419 920
FP40 5 12 32 $890 2,428 849
FP50 1 2 4 $86 279 816
MP55 2 4 7 $354 394 895
MP60 10 35 78 $1,881 6,126 862
FP60 1 1 2 $50 127 805
MP65 1 1 2 $115 152 857
MP70 2 3 6 $211 483 820
MA1 107 1,736 3,456 $0 219,761 918
FA1 54 150 314 $0 23,362 806
MA2 107 2,242 4,281 $0 266,654 883
FA2 59 166 326 $0 24,033 749
MA3 107 2,268 4,166 $0 271,157 844
FA3 50 132 256 $0 19,709 693

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 143 283 $800 15,533 6
Alaska 1 71 142 $1,305 7,947 3
Arkansas 3 138 252 $864 15,318 3
California 2 335 816 $64,035 50,542 189
Colorado 5 564 820 $7,486 51,324 16
Connecticut 1 66 132 $1,120 8,200 1
Florida 3 146 263 $1,322 16,979 3
Georgia 5 382 712 $1,700 45,454 5
Hawaii 1 33 66 $0 4,036 1
Idaho 2 141 282 $1,757 17,048 10
Illinois 3 239 468 $2,262 31,239 8
Indiana 3 272 750 $558 48,447 6
Iowa 1 65 192 $1,889 12,061 3
Kansas 4 347 465 $5,908 28,832 13
Kentucky 4 381 573 $5,362 37,483 15
Maryland 1 68 263 $250 13,609 4
Massachusetts 4 296 587 $4,452 37,832 16
Michigan 7 550 1,207 $7,338 79,487 32
Minnesota 4 340 651 $9,031 42,491 22
Missouri 2 214 414 $7,509 25,211 10
Nebraska 1 73 146 $1,721 10,574 6
Nevada 1 85 169 $0 10,785 1
New Brunswick 1 42 125 $228 6,624 0
New Hampshire 2 120 240 $3,310 13,892 8
New Jersey 4 266 335 $357 21,900 1
New Mexico 1 73 216 $2,320 13,571 9
New York 5 345 685 $1,433 41,648 6
North Carolina 6 472 813 $5,377 55,413 23
North Dakota 1 52 104 $810 7,852 0
Oklahoma 2 244 555 $8,195 32,046 36
Oregon 3 194 384 $2,189 23,793 11
Pennsylvania 4 272 541 $1,533 31,768 4
Prince Edward Island 1 45 90 $177 6,470 0
South Carolina 2 174 521 $431 31,976 12
South Dakota 1 65 128 $1,742 8,354 1
Tennessee 5 528 1,051 $10,752 63,397 27
Texas 7 765 1,235 $13,353 77,382 54
Utah 3 280 374 $3,913 25,711 6
Virginia 1 179 529 $10,715 39,824 35
Washington 1 243 713 $14,074 66,948 84
West Virginia 1 59 59 $0 3,949 0
Wisconsin 3 231 526 $2,460 33,108 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 48 94 $209 5,899 0
Austria 1 72 215 $0 14,581 9
Canada 2 87 215 $405 13,094 0
Estonia 2 180 356 $1,673 22,354 9
Finland 8 915 1,857 $12,983 124,930 113
New Zealand 1 105 201 $0 12,848 2
Norway 6 216 435 $1,113 27,005 1
Sweden 7 435 679 $328 42,841 4
United Kingdom 3 130 260 $0 17,140 8
United States 112 9,511 18,662 $209,633 1,202,964 697