StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-03-18 to Sunday 2019-03-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-03-18
(click to change weeks)
(4,282 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:00 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 52 886 2,143 $68,349 125,135 955
FPO 22 82 213 $7,273 14,758 869
MP40 32 312 760 $20,007 46,746 933
MP50 21 152 413 $11,110 26,645 921
FP40 4 10 30 $483 2,269 786
FP50 1 4 12 $500 853 827
MP55 1 4 8 $255 476 938
MP60 9 43 113 $3,084 7,717 883
MA1 48 769 1,710 $0 106,102 922
FA1 25 63 136 $0 9,929 782
MA2 47 776 1,684 $0 106,413 887
FA2 16 42 95 $0 7,253 756
MA3 39 592 1,286 $0 85,375 840
FA3 12 24 58 $0 4,975 692

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 203 598 $11,187 36,142 48
British Columbia 1 76 172 $910 9,926 8
California 3 285 733 $24,657 51,071 100
Colorado 1 109 311 $4,512 22,637 12
Florida 7 443 1,056 $18,264 72,631 88
Georgia 1 66 124 $1,355 7,110 7
Indiana 2 100 195 $750 11,397 2
Kansas 2 189 376 $3,672 25,054 14
Kentucky 1 132 388 $2,997 22,048 21
Maryland 2 120 238 $560 16,356 3
Michigan 4 302 603 $2,888 35,735 17
Minnesota 1 89 177 $1,830 10,482 14
Mississippi 1 113 328 $3,540 17,722 5
Missouri 2 180 356 $3,976 21,828 16
North Carolina 3 192 547 $510 38,281 6
Ohio 1 113 221 $2,301 15,037 13
Oklahoma 2 83 166 $50 10,920 4
Oregon 4 182 361 $2,531 21,621 15
Pennsylvania 1 86 86 $265 6,651 1
South Carolina 2 106 278 $680 15,885 10
Texas 5 335 898 $13,867 58,977 75
Utah 1 89 89 $470 5,027 1
Virginia 2 127 253 $2,957 15,950 15
Washington 2 123 245 $925 14,955 8
West Virginia 1 70 140 $0 8,750 0
Wisconsin 2 165 329 $3,115 20,653 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 75 167 $355 10,641 3
Canada 1 76 172 $910 9,926 8
Czech Republic 1 24 48 $0 2,817 0
Finland 2 73 87 $0 4,929 1
France 1 72 245 $328 14,386 4
Germany 2 79 237 $0 11,187 2
Japan 1 19 88 $347 4,375 6
Latvia 1 26 52 $0 3,351 0
Switzerland 1 62 186 $1,492 11,667 9
United Kingdom 1 22 21 $0 2,719 0
United States 54 4,002 9,096 $107,859 582,920 506