StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-08-23 to Sunday 2021-08-29, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-08-23
(click to change weeks)
(9,713 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:12 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 103 1,751 4,226 $121,336 253,386 944
FPO 47 221 592 $18,060 42,563 841
MP40 57 513 1,331 $28,327 82,997 923
MP50 42 227 574 $14,500 37,443 911
FP40 9 34 109 $974 8,347 816
FP50 1 8 32 $338 2,613 819
MP60 15 55 158 $3,220 10,772 870
MP70 2 9 34 $338 2,730 817
FP70 1 1 2 $38 164 620
MA1 98 1,382 2,946 $0 181,431 915
FA1 52 139 316 $0 21,489 803
MA2 102 1,795 3,796 $0 235,746 879
FA2 53 160 321 $0 23,686 746
MA3 101 1,825 3,535 $0 227,649 844
FA3 36 87 179 $0 14,759 666

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 90 180 $0 10,095 1
Alberta 3 107 286 $378 18,945 5
Arkansas 2 84 132 $514 7,671 1
British Columbia 2 103 249 $745 16,036 0
California 3 538 1,218 $7,072 81,103 39
Colorado 4 216 296 $219 17,066 1
Connecticut 2 118 231 $5,425 14,214 10
Delaware 1 111 320 $36,545 22,060 138
Florida 3 256 502 $1,725 30,907 7
Georgia 2 310 834 $7,223 50,222 30
Idaho 1 56 168 $2,080 10,940 10
Illinois 6 406 799 $4,235 52,085 15
Indiana 3 230 450 $2,425 29,698 10
Iowa 2 140 180 $131 10,611 0
Kansas 3 159 373 $2,631 21,901 5
Kentucky 3 253 589 $853 37,911 7
Maine 1 75 224 $2,745 13,981 7
Maryland 2 98 193 $685 12,406 3
Massachusetts 2 212 351 $3,281 22,224 5
Michigan 5 242 457 $3,234 29,867 6
Minnesota 2 368 1,023 $1,345 63,313 6
Mississippi 2 131 238 $2,077 14,655 18
Missouri 3 186 305 $1,051 19,489 2
Montana 1 77 227 $3,402 13,375 10
Nebraska 2 112 222 $1,496 13,110 5
New Brunswick 1 68 202 $1,033 11,742 3
New Hampshire 1 22 44 $497 2,858 0
New Jersey 1 22 21 $64 1,290 0
New Mexico 1 122 242 $10,407 20,294 6
New York 3 117 117 $345 8,110 0
North Carolina 5 395 855 $4,055 47,983 30
Ohio 2 101 196 $440 13,428 1
Oklahoma 2 171 448 $9,937 27,175 41
Ontario 2 73 85 $431 6,474 2
Oregon 2 229 557 $8,740 39,064 29
Pennsylvania 3 126 250 $2,357 15,897 2
Quebec 1 92 181 $1,250 11,816 0
Saskatchewan 1 50 150 $1,659 9,413 3
South Carolina 4 192 436 $2,220 28,868 12
South Dakota 1 52 104 $315 5,764 0
Tennessee 2 240 478 $4,670 27,712 19
Texas 7 426 693 $7,468 41,581 18
Vermont 1 55 109 $800 6,710 1
Virginia 1 38 38 $132 2,464 1
Washington 1 124 242 $3,465 16,280 9
West Virginia 2 160 402 $510 25,293 0
Wisconsin 4 360 716 $7,335 43,011 24

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 62 124 $0 8,271 4
Belgium 1 26 49 $0 3,306 0
Canada 10 493 1,153 $5,496 74,426 13
Czech Republic 2 89 227 $1,031 14,797 1
Denmark 1 27 81 $0 5,555 0
Estonia 1 151 597 $5,036 40,091 19
Finland 9 470 1,237 $5,357 82,345 23
France 1 21 42 $0 2,728 0
Germany 2 91 275 $956 16,169 11
Hungary 1 16 45 $0 3,384 0
Iceland 1 134 393 $0 27,011 2
Lithuania 1 84 167 $642 11,711 0
Netherlands 1 30 58 $0 3,525 0
Norway 6 374 774 $2,513 56,588 2
Slovenia 1 31 107 $0 5,882 2
Sweden 7 579 1,346 $11,949 84,320 72
United Kingdom 1 22 41 $0 2,447 0
United States 99 7,420 15,460 $154,151 972,686 529