StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-06-07 to Sunday 2021-06-13, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-06-07
(click to change weeks)
(11,074 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:10 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 92 1,671 3,633 $112,822 221,569 949
FPO 46 160 394 $14,738 26,950 860
MP40 51 460 1,043 $24,788 66,056 925
MP50 34 197 471 $10,209 30,944 910
FP40 11 36 90 $1,584 6,299 830
FP50 1 4 8 $270 495 811
MP55 3 9 16 $485 888 919
MP60 14 68 182 $4,772 11,528 884
MP65 1 1 1 $15 52 863
FP65 1 1 1 $15 53 849
MP70 3 5 11 $172 833 792
MA1 107 2,104 4,618 $0 294,493 920
FA1 61 200 418 $0 29,799 806
MA2 104 2,235 4,405 $0 283,539 881
FA2 47 154 327 $0 24,761 743
MA3 97 1,953 3,703 $0 246,781 844
FA3 43 118 225 $0 17,775 700

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 193 325 $450 20,080 1
Alaska 1 69 273 $1,340 15,735 5
Alberta 1 71 140 $0 10,231 0
Arkansas 1 99 194 $2,696 11,743 2
California 3 376 608 $8,170 50,208 18
Colorado 2 285 734 $17,103 49,265 29
Delaware 1 82 243 $0 16,036 2
Florida 1 125 139 $4,204 19,634 16
Georgia 4 416 601 $880 39,037 7
Hawaii 1 57 225 $2,395 13,130 4
Idaho 2 106 106 $1,411 8,982 2
Illinois 4 335 662 $4,279 43,326 5
Indiana 4 237 438 $1,939 30,848 8
Iowa 2 86 211 $315 12,660 2
Kansas 6 402 713 $4,966 49,636 19
Kentucky 1 154 151 $762 9,720 1
Louisiana 1 81 158 $1,192 9,108 2
Maine 3 247 438 $7,078 25,790 13
Massachusetts 2 130 260 $4,128 17,128 8
Michigan 3 215 568 $1,016 38,125 31
Minnesota 7 577 984 $9,599 60,623 20
Mississippi 1 82 154 $921 9,411 4
Missouri 1 136 272 $2,460 15,316 4
Montana 1 36 72 $460 4,503 0
Nebraska 3 146 271 $935 16,246 5
New Hampshire 4 227 369 $2,679 31,355 5
New Jersey 1 66 131 $440 8,367 1
New Mexico 1 62 121 $0 7,764 0
New York 2 206 564 $236 34,715 0
North Carolina 3 590 1,986 $569 119,086 16
Ohio 2 373 1,098 $4,128 77,140 22
Oregon 6 322 649 $24,334 41,459 116
Pennsylvania 2 120 240 $1,250 15,246 3
Prince Edward Island 1 27 54 $240 3,709 0
South Carolina 1 118 236 $665 15,558 2
South Dakota 1 38 76 $0 3,968 0
Tennessee 1 82 164 $168 9,312 2
Texas 8 919 1,588 $8,835 98,978 34
Utah 1 91 271 $17,489 17,637 58
Vermont 1 50 99 $0 6,211 0
Virginia 5 395 641 $2,927 38,767 7
Washington 4 274 634 $6,152 39,139 31
West Virginia 1 157 307 $0 18,306 3
Wisconsin 4 353 596 $4,151 36,813 13

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 2 98 194 $240 13,940 0
Croatia 1 57 179 $0 10,945 7
Czech Republic 1 87 260 $743 16,559 8
Denmark 2 146 258 $46 17,194 0
Estonia 2 155 154 $0 11,038 0
Finland 11 1,068 2,421 $13,923 163,111 125
Germany 1 57 168 $0 11,274 4
Italy 1 23 53 $0 3,264 0
Mexico 1 26 78 $0 5,199 0
New Zealand 1 59 111 $563 10,579 1
Norway 3 79 229 $0 15,743 0
Sweden 10 684 1,295 $506 82,439 4
United Kingdom 2 119 337 $1,127 19,858 7
United States 106 9,115 18,570 $152,722 1,206,111 521