StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-09-21 to Sunday 2020-09-27, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-09-21
(click to change weeks)
(7,026 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:07 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 88 1,460 3,294 $86,183 193,016 952
FPO 37 118 304 $7,020 20,319 855
MP40 45 365 836 $19,191 50,637 924
MP50 30 162 394 $8,613 24,161 917
FP40 2 4 8 $67 610 821
FP55 1 1 2 $35 117 842
MP60 16 53 131 $2,380 8,312 875
MP70 1 2 4 $206 234 849
MA1 83 1,210 2,576 $0 159,283 917
FA1 32 89 192 $0 13,420 793
MA2 83 1,387 2,969 $0 185,256 881
FA2 32 100 223 $0 16,241 754
MA3 76 1,114 2,336 $0 151,175 846
FA3 28 65 132 $0 10,222 704

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 31 122 $695 6,750 7
Alberta 3 118 231 $2,215 14,562 2
Arkansas 1 54 161 $1,515 9,931 4
Colorado 2 164 326 $6,138 19,125 22
Florida 1 160 160 $82 8,991 1
Georgia 2 132 234 $2,138 18,917 6
Idaho 1 108 471 $4,520 30,044 25
Illinois 1 43 86 $1,117 5,163 0
Indiana 3 243 486 $2,586 30,536 16
Iowa 1 93 178 $669 11,366 5
Kansas 4 193 435 $4,525 25,784 8
Kentucky 1 44 44 $0 3,453 0
Louisiana 2 112 172 $1,446 10,482 7
Manitoba 2 52 104 $645 6,555 1
Maryland 2 134 267 $3,885 17,101 6
Michigan 6 360 760 $4,560 44,872 26
Minnesota 1 135 266 $4,335 19,075 10
Mississippi 1 51 148 $770 8,742 6
Missouri 3 166 331 $1,846 20,228 4
Montana 1 80 159 $3,395 9,431 4
Nebraska 1 32 95 $92 5,751 1
Nevada 1 77 154 $0 10,651 1
New Hampshire 3 291 738 $9,174 45,509 12
New Jersey 1 79 158 $2,630 10,881 12
New York 3 112 220 $630 13,604 1
North Carolina 2 133 265 $785 16,243 8
North Dakota 1 65 128 $2,184 8,850 5
Nova Scotia 1 39 117 $434 7,331 0
Ohio 2 231 615 $3,768 39,911 18
Oregon 4 245 539 $6,470 33,582 52
Pennsylvania 3 203 402 $903 26,766 3
Quebec 1 60 120 $478 7,193 0
South Carolina 3 180 459 $1,705 28,884 5
Tennessee 1 600 1,779 $21,536 104,018 149
Texas 6 425 787 $8,091 50,055 31
Vermont 1 41 82 $455 5,574 0
Virginia 3 185 303 $1,181 18,995 11
Washington 2 190 380 $4,686 23,957 32
Wisconsin 3 199 344 $1,281 22,165 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 42 126 $492 9,139 0
Canada 7 269 572 $3,772 35,641 3
Estonia 2 153 305 $0 19,079 3
Finland 13 660 1,229 $4,997 82,395 32
France 1 23 45 $0 2,878 2
Germany 2 92 246 $795 17,273 7
Hungary 1 24 68 $0 5,164 0
Japan 1 46 190 $2,583 10,825 18
Lithuania 1 18 18 $174 1,166 0
Netherlands 1 16 30 $0 1,750 0
Norway 2 56 111 $170 6,698 0
Sweden 12 379 713 $1,264 44,221 22
Switzerland 1 48 144 $0 6,385 9
United Kingdom 1 36 142 $0 8,210 1
United States 74 5,591 12,254 $109,793 765,387 502