StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-04-08 to Sunday 2024-04-14, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-04-08
(click to change weeks)
(13,994 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-04-18 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 187 2,288 4,654 $136,833 260,212 948
FPO 70 266 593 $34,121 39,916 871
MP40 93 637 1,369 $29,239 83,743 921
MP50 55 293 678 $17,143 42,340 914
FP40 14 40 81 $1,232 5,835 805
FP50 2 9 17 $21 1,351 773
MP55 2 4 7 $0 422 889
MP60 23 77 187 $4,810 11,997 887
FP60 3 4 11 $369 816 775
MP65 4 10 20 $540 1,326 883
MP70 6 9 27 $810 1,740 849
MA1 194 2,168 4,318 $0 238,493 916
FA1 74 190 385 $0 26,685 799
MA2 170 1,995 3,583 $0 217,153 893
FA2 51 130 230 $0 16,920 767
MA3 192 3,005 5,580 $0 342,989 851
FA3 59 123 242 $0 17,390 699

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 222 475 $2,239 19,233 8
Alberta 1 69 139 $926 8,687 3
Arizona 3 194 569 $4,727 21,544 18
Arkansas 5 404 942 $81,001 58,881 248
British Columbia 3 169 337 $320 19,222 6
California 5 553 1,426 $16,225 94,580 54
Colorado 4 260 790 $595 39,957 6
Florida 10 866 1,106 $5,020 70,741 16
Georgia 2 214 630 $6,377 36,582 28
Idaho 1 63 128 $462 7,994 3
Illinois 5 405 537 $345 33,517 5
Indiana 5 207 387 $750 23,972 3
Iowa 2 190 242 $1,539 15,145 7
Kansas 5 336 505 $5,136 31,358 18
Kentucky 6 371 623 $8,324 41,437 25
Louisiana 4 305 846 $5,172 38,093 22
Manitoba 1 78 158 $0 11,300 1
Maryland 2 69 175 $480 6,678 1
Massachusetts 1 46 45 $80 2,635 0
Michigan 12 715 1,325 $7,187 82,660 40
Minnesota 5 444 832 $2,471 49,490 14
Mississippi 1 89 179 $682 10,418 6
Missouri 4 216 391 $2,456 25,395 5
Montana 1 23 24 $90 1,359 0
Nebraska 3 82 111 $430 6,595 2
Nevada 3 89 153 $190 3,400 3
New Hampshire 1 89 175 $1,400 10,506 0
New Jersey 2 131 262 $1,060 15,096 3
New Mexico 1 38 78 $0 4,694 0
New York 3 220 222 $2,147 15,620 2
North Carolina 15 773 1,314 $11,383 76,927 40
Nova Scotia 1 68 138 $439 8,736 0
Ohio 6 394 693 $619 47,544 2
Oklahoma 4 234 448 $5,476 29,643 12
Ontario 1 113 226 $193 14,517 1
Oregon 7 269 558 $1,451 17,958 9
Pennsylvania 5 323 611 $1,453 42,123 7
Prince Edward Island 1 62 126 $523 9,183 0
South Carolina 6 272 600 $1,866 37,138 10
South Dakota 1 29 60 $0 4,030 0
Tennessee 4 372 796 $9,865 49,676 40
Texas 23 759 1,287 $3,854 70,274 18
Utah 1 79 160 $0 10,885 0
Virginia 13 633 1,114 $5,719 70,226 18
Washington 3 323 640 $9,540 39,369 43
West Virginia 1 54 109 $567 6,513 1
Wisconsin 4 595 1,178 $13,042 73,335 42
Wyoming 1 22 23 $0 1,340 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 128 260 $0 15,124 2
Austria 1 35 99 $208 6,431 0
Canada 8 559 1,124 $2,401 71,645 11
Colombia 1 24 50 $0 2,890 0
Croatia 1 67 202 $0 12,885 0
Czech Republic 3 186 469 $0 30,264 6
Denmark 1 59 118 $0 7,836 0
Estonia 3 338 667 $0 45,568 30
Finland 5 283 537 $80 31,858 4
France 1 31 64 $0 3,986 2
Germany 7 230 651 $159 37,913 10
Japan 1 29 116 $0 7,051 10
Latvia 2 77 154 $0 11,262 0
Lithuania 2 154 308 $0 23,278 0
Malaysia 1 34 64 $331 3,930 1
Netherlands 1 52 99 $0 6,294 0
New Zealand 1 24 50 $0 3,020 0
Norway 3 181 363 $650 26,220 2
Slovakia 1 66 199 $0 12,137 2
Sweden 7 463 856 $0 50,907 10
Switzerland 3 80 161 $0 8,956 4
United Kingdom 1 87 176 $181 11,729 0
United States 195 11,972 22,769 $221,420 1,344,561 779