StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-07-22 to Sunday 2024-07-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-07-22
(click to change weeks)
(13,251 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-08-04 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 185 2,548 5,681 $164,680 288,079 949
FPO 66 234 531 $28,599 35,021 859
MP40 89 655 1,427 $34,684 86,815 926
MP50 54 311 722 $15,313 43,007 901
FP40 12 35 71 $1,602 5,554 815
FP50 2 5 11 $0 676 818
MP55 1 3 9 $0 602 903
MP60 23 73 173 $4,709 12,908 874
FP60 2 2 6 $215 437 778
FP65 1 1 3 $0 279 674
MP70 7 19 43 $542 2,819 840
MA1 196 2,438 5,923 $0 218,084 904
FA1 63 143 319 $0 18,022 778
MA2 186 2,014 4,266 $0 213,535 887
FA2 52 94 211 $0 12,583 735
MA3 194 2,541 5,227 $0 269,664 850
FA3 58 124 255 $0 15,359 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 201 361 $922 19,899 6
Alaska 3 96 220 $0 9,815 1
Alberta 1 45 136 $953 8,735 0
Arizona 4 103 374 $0 0 12
Arkansas 1 86 168 $4,160 9,874 13
British Columbia 2 50 104 $115 6,519 0
California 7 661 1,525 $21,517 106,767 60
Colorado 6 421 592 $528 34,005 5
Connecticut 1 70 136 $0 7,844 0
Delaware 1 69 138 $504 7,325 0
Florida 5 214 487 $321 4,992 10
Georgia 6 169 374 $310 11,979 4
Idaho 1 112 335 $11,643 20,314 41
Illinois 13 984 1,618 $8,196 83,591 52
Indiana 11 414 1,088 $7,733 32,562 51
Iowa 3 366 1,102 $28,015 62,722 74
Kansas 5 199 332 $1,078 19,156 8
Kentucky 2 70 201 $75 5,805 3
Louisiana 2 97 192 $2,365 12,274 8
Maine 2 128 222 $1,262 13,192 3
Manitoba 1 33 66 $0 3,896 0
Maryland 3 87 199 $535 8,638 7
Massachusetts 2 177 246 $1,451 15,746 2
Michigan 11 486 1,220 $8,288 45,141 23
Minnesota 5 220 347 $666 21,073 1
Mississippi 1 50 99 $0 7,428 4
Missouri 4 224 424 $5,334 26,372 10
Montana 2 129 361 $530 19,166 8
Nevada 2 134 238 $4,774 23,179 5
New Hampshire 3 188 331 $4,041 20,971 6
New Jersey 4 152 368 $383 14,907 1
New York 7 396 1,014 $15,088 32,480 53
North Carolina 11 650 1,203 $9,945 62,060 43
North Dakota 1 44 89 $1,015 6,751 0
Nova Scotia 1 61 181 $1,316 10,897 0
Ohio 9 574 1,164 $4,239 54,572 34
Oklahoma 4 145 289 $1,594 13,467 7
Ontario 3 188 587 $2,375 25,528 11
Oregon 1 159 315 $4,500 23,560 14
Pennsylvania 10 408 1,011 $2,497 35,926 10
South Carolina 6 203 403 $364 23,880 3
South Dakota 2 90 184 $1,065 12,756 4
Tennessee 9 375 478 $2,927 30,330 14
Texas 16 554 1,218 $2,483 45,461 31
Utah 3 159 575 $4,956 20,931 3
Vermont 1 72 143 $0 8,937 0
Virginia 3 108 261 $0 16,057 1
Washington 6 400 773 $6,149 47,500 22
West Virginia 1 71 143 $0 8,669 1
Wisconsin 6 425 986 $352 50,494 12
Wyoming 1 1 2 $0 80 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 128 299 $365 11,942 2
Canada 8 377 1,074 $4,759 55,575 11
Croatia 1 71 215 $0 12,102 1
Czech Republic 1 25 78 $0 3,007 0
Denmark 1 32 66 $0 3,862 0
Estonia 3 283 628 $63,243 37,192 213
Finland 11 833 1,815 $8,207 116,222 78
Germany 2 113 331 $0 20,413 7
Iceland 2 146 321 $0 2,188 3
Italy 1 22 44 $0 2,773 0
Mexico 1 17 35 $0 2,077 0
Netherlands 1 13 41 $0 1,558 2
New Zealand 2 87 209 $559 14,653 5
Norway 4 333 658 $1,306 40,306 4
Poland 1 78 233 $0 14,819 1
Portugal 1 16 49 $0 0 0
Sweden 12 700 1,442 $0 77,776 9
United Kingdom 1 87 258 $269 16,254 4
United States 211 11,141 23,549 $171,805 1,158,648 670