StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-06-27 to Sunday 2022-07-03, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-06-27
(click to change weeks)
(8,504 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-07-07 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 98 1,436 2,973 $61,384 176,784 945
FPO 35 197 612 $59,918 38,693 875
MP40 53 392 892 $18,100 55,150 923
MP50 22 124 290 $6,063 17,876 907
FP40 4 27 101 $11,581 6,716 853
FP50 1 8 32 $4,400 1,996 859
MP55 2 2 2 $0 108 925
FP55 1 2 8 $1,000 542 802
MP60 18 41 97 $2,227 6,508 870
FP60 1 6 21 $3,250 1,326 816
MP65 1 1 1 $15 59 907
FP65 2 4 13 $1,615 796 872
MP70 1 1 3 $0 256 765
FP70 1 2 8 $1,000 810 342
MA1 98 1,269 2,403 $0 145,488 916
FA1 35 129 351 $0 23,363 825
MA2 100 1,565 2,985 $0 189,051 882
FA2 39 138 361 $0 25,512 769
MA3 98 1,679 2,948 $0 191,575 847
FA3 42 124 267 $0 20,068 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 132 216 $46 11,594 2
Alaska 1 34 136 $669 8,634 1
Alberta 1 212 622 $11,681 37,014 14
California 2 131 187 $1,091 13,001 7
Colorado 3 185 268 $615 17,289 4
Connecticut 2 127 253 $2,250 16,293 6
Florida 2 91 181 $489 9,648 2
Georgia 1 126 373 $3,686 22,645 9
Illinois 3 284 436 $3,201 27,335 16
Indiana 9 324 582 $2,971 34,739 10
Iowa 2 178 352 $515 20,987 4
Kentucky 2 176 479 $8,466 29,194 59
Louisiana 1 115 325 $0 23,205 9
Manitoba 1 5 10 $0 538 0
Massachusetts 3 221 335 $3,911 21,081 12
Michigan 6 315 559 $2,112 35,295 15
Minnesota 5 194 381 $1,733 26,644 5
Missouri 5 331 496 $2,644 32,218 17
Nebraska 1 102 302 $0 19,557 6
New Hampshire 1 56 164 $0 10,465 1
New Jersey 1 64 127 $761 8,292 3
New York 2 157 312 $1,290 22,281 11
Newfoundland and Labrador 2 44 66 $400 3,849 0
North Carolina 10 488 742 $1,836 46,103 17
Ohio 4 415 819 $1,865 58,322 7
Oklahoma 4 137 220 $2,030 13,632 4
Oregon 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Pennsylvania 4 181 284 $884 17,508 1
Prince Edward Island 1 12 23 $96 1,488 0
Quebec 2 138 275 $0 18,949 2
South Carolina 1 69 138 $0 8,454 0
South Dakota 1 87 174 $1,338 10,800 5
Tennessee 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Texas 16 1,017 1,303 $7,382 81,248 18
Utah 1 105 309 $5,295 20,180 7
Vermont 1 94 188 $1,676 10,383 0
Virginia 2 103 167 $681 12,166 2
Washington 2 166 329 $1,190 19,298 9
Wisconsin 1 318 1,269 $78,870 81,690 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 57 109 $169 8,543 0
Canada 7 411 996 $12,177 61,838 16
Denmark 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Estonia 2 270 705 $18,004 47,703 52
Finland 7 791 1,806 $210 112,746 62
France 1 8 16 $0 1,071 0
Germany 3 157 430 $496 26,656 21
Italy 1 21 42 $0 3,044 0
Japan 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Netherlands 2 54 108 $0 6,461 0
Norway 4 219 427 $0 27,384 2
Slovenia 1 59 197 $0 11,763 3
Sweden 6 327 503 $0 33,094 3
United Kingdom 2 102 303 $0 18,210 0
United States 103 6,523 12,406 $139,497 790,181 273