StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-11-28 to Sunday 2022-12-04, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-11-28
(click to change weeks)
(5,707 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-12-11 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 69 721 1,478 $49,585 82,353 951
FPO 31 87 194 $8,644 12,790 863
MP40 38 224 516 $18,551 29,854 934
MP50 16 85 205 $7,208 11,639 918
FP40 3 5 10 $194 589 794
FP50 2 3 5 $41 338 773
MP55 1 3 6 $0 340 910
MP60 10 22 55 $1,730 3,432 884
FP60 1 1 4 $143 282 784
MP65 1 1 1 $15 50 917
MA1 78 852 1,641 $0 99,848 918
FA1 27 66 142 $0 9,480 810
MA2 77 903 1,702 $0 105,140 890
FA2 32 74 143 $0 10,320 771
MA3 76 1,246 2,220 $0 139,718 849
FA3 40 100 197 $0 14,692 718

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 129 225 $840 14,990 4
Arizona 1 244 858 $12,547 47,982 65
Arkansas 2 78 120 $0 6,901 1
British Columbia 2 99 198 $667 12,824 4
California 4 338 507 $4,602 33,614 17
Colorado 2 58 62 $0 3,608 0
Florida 3 436 1,115 $15,224 65,092 40
Georgia 6 473 812 $4,213 59,201 10
Illinois 3 213 381 $611 22,919 5
Kansas 1 52 101 $576 5,934 2
Louisiana 1 26 26 $20 1,521 1
Maryland 2 134 266 $3,445 17,686 5
Michigan 2 94 188 $100 10,865 0
Mississippi 1 84 168 $638 10,186 5
Missouri 2 208 204 $652 11,242 3
Nebraska 1 40 40 $120 2,243 1
New Jersey 1 63 125 $394 8,172 3
New York 2 53 104 $204 6,729 0
North Carolina 9 851 1,778 $21,759 109,708 64
Oklahoma 3 135 265 $6,589 15,723 16
Oregon 2 108 214 $912 13,549 3
Pennsylvania 1 110 217 $1,017 15,586 4
South Carolina 2 55 109 $0 6,086 0
Tennessee 3 229 389 $2,351 23,772 16
Texas 7 400 829 $6,204 50,650 19
Virginia 8 338 544 $1,010 33,744 6
Washington 1 29 58 $267 4,083 1
Wisconsin 1 51 102 $300 6,311 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 15 405 793 $269 49,351 7
Canada 2 99 198 $667 12,824 4
Croatia 1 36 108 $0 7,415 1
Finland 1 32 63 $301 3,707 0
France 1 14 24 $0 1,507 0
New Zealand 1 39 77 $0 5,190 1
Norway 1 9 9 $0 661 0
Sweden 3 159 170 $0 11,184 0
Thailand 1 25 75 $279 4,191 7
United Kingdom 1 64 127 $0 7,768 0
United States 74 5,029 9,807 $84,595 608,097 292