StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-11-06 to Sunday 2023-11-12, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-11-06
(click to change weeks)
(7,613 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-11-19 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 119 1,193 2,263 $72,657 125,529 947
FPO 33 131 285 $11,300 18,630 860
MP40 49 286 606 $24,554 37,728 927
MP50 25 85 160 $6,939 10,211 913
FP40 7 16 32 $1,059 2,316 813
FP50 3 10 26 $1,074 1,871 837
FP55 1 3 6 $303 397 858
MP60 6 27 69 $3,386 4,507 902
FP60 1 7 14 $706 1,000 803
MA1 119 1,383 2,406 $0 128,098 908
FA1 40 135 270 $0 16,651 795
MA2 106 1,143 2,102 $0 125,319 890
FA2 38 110 211 $0 15,232 757
MA3 115 1,454 2,641 $0 166,728 850
FA3 26 60 114 $0 7,902 722

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 6 364 805 $15,880 47,653 27
Arizona 6 297 392 $4,647 21,655 1
Arkansas 1 165 488 $12,112 27,749 38
California 7 526 1,062 $15,485 62,866 42
Colorado 2 74 117 $428 7,709 3
Delaware 2 118 235 $1,215 15,020 7
Florida 5 435 1,104 $16,581 68,242 44
Georgia 5 262 521 $4,360 34,195 17
Illinois 4 262 327 $695 20,994 5
Indiana 4 128 233 $303 13,598 6
Iowa 4 251 333 $1,565 18,790 4
Kansas 3 151 231 $1,475 14,968 12
Kentucky 3 172 335 $702 19,865 3
Louisiana 1 26 11 $0 0 0
Maine 1 25 50 $2,720 3,655 2
Massachusetts 2 101 202 $2,087 13,031 3
Michigan 7 330 533 $1,830 28,304 16
Minnesota 2 131 219 $338 13,466 0
Mississippi 1 74 147 $497 8,802 5
Missouri 2 140 277 $1,947 17,843 6
Montana 1 26 52 $772 3,893 4
Nebraska 1 43 43 $75 3,563 1
Nevada 1 53 53 $266 3,290 1
New Jersey 1 71 71 $240 4,344 0
New Mexico 4 228 386 $7,873 26,953 9
New York 1 14 14 $0 886 0
North Carolina 10 531 956 $4,582 53,850 23
Ohio 7 285 494 $1,473 29,892 6
Oklahoma 1 93 186 $480 9,995 2
Oregon 1 139 274 $1,610 19,322 4
Pennsylvania 2 134 223 $420 8,372 2
Prince Edward Island 1 32 78 $337 5,164 1
South Carolina 4 119 125 $144 3,341 0
Tennessee 1 59 117 $689 6,748 4
Texas 18 624 1,020 $6,068 55,800 25
Utah 2 127 214 $285 12,416 3
Virginia 6 430 984 $3,485 61,755 13
Washington 2 67 133 $1,495 8,074 3
Wisconsin 2 130 247 $1,300 15,078 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 49 97 $0 4,412 3
Canada 1 32 78 $337 5,164 1
Colombia 1 35 104 $0 6,839 0
Czech Republic 1 69 138 $0 8,449 1
Denmark 3 231 387 $731 25,357 1
Finland 1 58 116 $0 6,560 0
France 1 62 185 $599 14,129 2
Mexico 1 11 11 $0 768 0
New Zealand 2 197 568 $4,187 35,804 12
Sweden 2 92 108 $0 7,144 0
Ukraine 1 17 32 $0 1,590 0
United Kingdom 1 23 5 $0 0 0
United States 133 7,205 13,214 $116,124 785,977 346