StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-11-20 to Sunday 2023-11-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-11-20
(click to change weeks)
(5,444 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-12-03 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 96 867 1,441 $30,733 77,982 946
FPO 27 76 142 $3,908 9,372 858
MP40 52 287 517 $13,020 28,346 925
MP50 26 98 174 $4,474 10,896 911
FP40 1 1 2 $43 131 794
FP50 2 4 8 $200 529 826
MP60 14 44 92 $2,173 5,939 897
MP70 2 2 3 $87 213 802
MA1 91 881 1,524 $0 78,217 913
FA1 42 109 198 $0 13,102 795
MA2 88 826 1,330 $0 71,571 888
FA2 25 54 89 $0 6,017 766
MA3 94 1,099 1,574 $0 94,503 851
FA3 15 28 34 $0 2,648 680

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 113 207 $708 11,069 6
Arizona 1 51 53 $0 0 0
Arkansas 1 59 57 $400 3,501 0
California 5 327 697 $1,677 14,482 12
Colorado 3 98 105 $535 6,094 3
Florida 2 236 552 $8,311 34,627 24
Georgia 2 62 60 $505 5,254 5
Illinois 3 316 334 $380 19,622 4
Indiana 1 42 84 $304 5,192 0
Iowa 3 164 164 $1,284 9,902 1
Kansas 1 55 38 $0 0 0
Kentucky 2 109 150 $337 9,211 0
Louisiana 1 58 115 $1,532 7,726 5
Maryland 2 115 115 $174 7,386 0
Massachusetts 2 145 290 $2,587 18,879 5
Michigan 2 183 363 $1,338 21,111 13
Minnesota 4 320 370 $1,538 25,467 8
Mississippi 1 7 14 $144 737 2
Missouri 4 204 202 $1,460 14,928 5
Nebraska 1 47 47 $150 2,498 0
New Hampshire 2 57 103 $405 6,540 0
New York 1 4 8 $63 379 0
North Carolina 5 335 520 $2,854 30,335 13
Nova Scotia 2 45 90 $250 5,944 0
Ohio 4 149 223 $873 13,379 8
Oklahoma 3 117 215 $1,224 11,470 4
Oregon 1 22 36 $0 0 0
Pennsylvania 3 154 293 $1,316 19,273 6
Prince Edward Island 1 21 33 $0 0 1
South Carolina 2 103 103 $170 5,671 2
Tennessee 3 244 413 $6,514 23,012 17
Texas 14 445 507 $3,107 30,542 10
Virginia 4 294 516 $3,596 35,524 15
Washington 2 130 258 $2,467 14,724 7
Wisconsin 4 176 310 $1,494 18,924 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 207 607 $2,791 40,625 27
Belize 1 12 12 $50 849 0
Canada 3 66 123 $250 5,944 1
China 2 18 49 $75 3,474 1
Denmark 2 75 118 $0 5,955 0
Finland 1 23 46 $0 2,304 3
France 3 86 171 $0 11,718 5
Germany 1 43 86 $0 5,855 2
Japan 1 65 128 $1,121 11,666 7
Mexico 1 20 20 $0 1,226 0
New Zealand 1 67 208 $2,008 11,861 6
South Africa 1 20 39 $106 2,434 0
Spain 1 21 46 $0 0 1
Sweden 3 132 147 $0 9,346 1
Switzerland 1 31 62 $790 4,020 1
United Kingdom 1 27 53 $0 3,326 0
United States 92 4,941 7,522 $47,447 427,459 182