StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-08-05 to Sunday 2019-08-11, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-08-05
(click to change weeks)
(4,667 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:02 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 73 1,129 2,658 $69,560 154,780 945
FPO 32 79 193 $4,539 12,811 840
MP40 37 328 730 $21,122 45,716 926
MP50 23 129 295 $7,112 18,390 913
FP40 2 5 10 $70 819 797
FP55 1 1 1 $30 66 879
MP60 10 29 64 $1,377 4,481 872
MP65 1 1 1 $110 66 834
MA1 64 800 1,790 $0 109,782 915
FA1 22 56 114 $0 7,978 815
MA2 69 935 2,033 $0 127,487 887
FA2 19 51 115 $0 8,832 733
MA3 54 614 1,290 $0 81,642 845
FA3 19 43 79 $0 5,985 682

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 80 158 $680 8,812 3
Alaska 1 44 135 $2,650 7,673 1
Alberta 1 22 44 $0 2,726 0
Arkansas 1 45 90 $563 5,183 1
California 3 229 451 $2,581 28,899 13
Colorado 4 200 342 $4,706 22,556 13
Connecticut 1 70 140 $1,361 10,795 0
Georgia 1 76 219 $1,901 14,705 6
Idaho 1 38 111 $1,665 6,731 3
Illinois 2 74 118 $295 7,176 3
Indiana 2 194 386 $6,082 23,402 15
Iowa 4 99 195 $1,509 10,857 7
Kansas 2 70 70 $240 4,130 5
Kentucky 2 182 466 $9,045 28,814 40
Manitoba 1 26 51 $78 2,792 0
Maryland 1 56 111 $495 6,593 2
Massachusetts 2 145 288 $3,840 17,654 7
Michigan 6 362 712 $8,043 42,746 21
Minnesota 1 212 652 $12,530 38,337 42
Mississippi 1 16 30 $0 1,734 0
Missouri 3 235 569 $1,918 32,112 11
Montana 1 48 143 $2,616 7,920 8
New Brunswick 1 18 36 $227 2,423 0
New Hampshire 4 104 185 $1,421 12,850 4
New Jersey 1 15 29 $0 1,783 0
North Carolina 1 42 83 $360 4,768 1
Ohio 3 102 249 $1,510 16,018 3
Oklahoma 1 67 195 $2,115 11,598 18
Ontario 1 75 150 $999 8,942 2
Oregon 1 137 266 $6,727 17,832 17
Pennsylvania 1 35 69 $416 5,232 3
Quebec 1 61 140 $3,454 9,613 1
Tennessee 1 11 33 $0 1,903 2
Texas 5 381 820 $6,100 48,918 31
Utah 1 87 257 $4,695 19,748 6
Washington 1 76 152 $1,830 9,826 4
Wisconsin 3 173 335 $1,885 20,738 10
Wyoming 1 25 75 $624 4,515 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 27 54 $119 3,736 0
Austria 1 41 150 $0 8,018 2
Canada 5 202 421 $4,758 26,496 3
Finland 9 459 1,044 $6,056 67,014 41
Germany 1 56 167 $0 10,102 2
Norway 4 195 535 $1,496 34,897 5
Sweden 6 269 503 $1,088 30,501 18
Thailand 1 7 8 $0 841 0
Ukraine 1 11 33 $0 2,461 0
United Kingdom 1 7 11 $0 474 0
United States 64 3,730 8,134 $90,403 502,558 301