StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-07-10 to Sunday 2023-07-16, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-07-10
(click to change weeks)
(14,180 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-07-23 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 182 2,540 4,944 $177,431 273,051 947
FPO 67 232 489 $26,152 32,311 863
MP40 92 690 1,688 $71,767 98,028 936
MP50 41 225 638 $28,469 37,436 922
FP40 10 40 131 $6,863 8,655 855
FP50 3 11 47 $2,792 2,762 868
MP55 3 59 230 $15,672 14,027 935
FP55 1 7 28 $2,320 1,875 829
MP60 15 100 318 $16,557 20,354 906
FP60 3 12 51 $3,205 3,109 833
MP65 1 19 88 $6,286 4,713 921
FP65 1 4 16 $1,325 1,095 821
MP70 3 19 78 $5,145 4,500 890
MA1 180 2,469 4,633 $0 242,542 911
FA1 66 221 434 $0 30,638 807
MA2 176 2,170 4,013 $0 226,461 888
FA2 64 161 328 $0 19,430 764
MA3 183 2,719 4,932 $0 292,952 848
FA3 50 127 247 $0 17,933 714

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 76 113 $174 6,736 2
Alaska 3 228 523 $8,337 27,091 9
Alberta 1 43 86 $65 5,179 0
Arizona 6 1,048 3,984 $129,192 225,274 147
Arkansas 7 302 470 $3,179 27,458 10
California 7 526 1,024 $1,837 60,509 5
Colorado 4 178 247 $306 14,418 2
Connecticut 2 157 306 $1,797 17,942 10
Delaware 2 87 274 $1,090 15,303 3
Florida 4 179 190 $410 7,722 1
Georgia 6 200 248 $315 8,616 5
Idaho 3 250 733 $7,922 50,132 25
Illinois 8 611 1,238 $11,257 74,010 78
Indiana 6 280 482 $2,227 30,528 4
Iowa 2 103 343 $2,120 19,720 12
Kansas 3 239 469 $3,419 28,297 7
Kentucky 5 214 278 $197 9,697 0
Louisiana 2 73 131 $0 0 2
Maine 1 142 417 $7,250 27,061 19
Manitoba 1 103 142 $2,001 14,783 3
Massachusetts 5 222 416 $5,688 25,857 10
Michigan 10 502 934 $5,102 46,676 26
Minnesota 4 333 424 $1,145 26,605 3
Missouri 3 219 415 $1,107 10,023 3
Montana 3 135 285 $1,575 9,899 3
Nevada 2 107 236 $77 1,758 0
New Hampshire 3 62 118 $1,570 7,233 2
New Jersey 3 196 371 $855 24,180 0
New York 2 264 387 $3,812 23,645 9
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 24 66 $215 4,141 0
North Carolina 14 629 1,113 $6,262 59,862 29
North Dakota 1 15 35 $0 0 0
Nova Scotia 1 23 68 $951 4,236 0
Ohio 13 553 760 $2,376 39,902 20
Oklahoma 3 181 343 $4,509 18,708 9
Ontario 1 55 104 $0 6,426 0
Oregon 3 142 282 $1,260 18,295 4
Pennsylvania 8 537 1,112 $20,410 55,421 62
Quebec 2 140 270 $1,381 16,243 0
Saskatchewan 1 24 48 $0 2,937 0
South Carolina 10 525 685 $2,309 35,752 14
South Dakota 1 122 361 $6,003 22,003 27
Tennessee 4 481 1,078 $6,958 64,682 19
Texas 17 676 895 $3,209 55,202 8
Utah 2 163 441 $4,643 29,283 6
Virginia 3 145 198 $1,655 11,312 3
Washington 4 208 482 $1,906 21,835 4
Wisconsin 8 380 646 $5,133 39,035 20
Wyoming 2 50 81 $0 4,920 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 51 102 $316 6,439 2
Belize 1 27 54 $100 3,664 0
Canada 8 412 784 $4,613 53,945 3
Czech Republic 1 73 201 $0 13,252 4
Estonia 6 337 479 $0 29,671 6
Finland 10 1,015 2,580 $24,200 177,061 142
France 1 90 264 $0 18,120 13
Germany 2 104 302 $0 16,526 16
Iceland 3 124 153 $0 7,365 3
Latvia 1 134 266 $778 21,263 1
Lithuania 1 73 145 $0 9,831 0
Mexico 1 16 32 $0 2,075 0
Netherlands 1 15 15 $12 969 0
New Zealand 2 67 173 $721 9,878 0
Norway 4 224 506 $62,671 33,744 143
Slovenia 1 29 58 $0 3,439 0
Sweden 12 589 968 $1,071 62,315 4
Switzerland 1 88 291 $2,014 16,561 19
United Kingdom 1 35 22 $0 0 0
United States 202 11,763 23,611 $268,593 1,305,363 622