StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-05-20 to Sunday 2024-05-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-05-20
(click to change weeks)
(15,843 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-05-30 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 202 3,337 7,633 $177,805 382,430 942
FPO 89 346 823 $23,816 53,845 845
MP40 115 975 2,225 $38,499 122,197 914
MP50 49 295 654 $13,987 39,597 912
FP40 14 29 66 $1,121 4,517 819
FP50 9 13 26 $732 1,953 798
MP55 1 10 20 $0 1,319 915
FP55 1 2 4 $0 322 787
MP60 23 68 155 $2,690 10,415 877
FP60 3 5 9 $62 611 752
MP65 2 9 18 $275 1,360 871
MP70 5 8 15 $20 1,138 781
MA1 188 2,602 6,526 $0 250,227 903
FA1 73 188 440 $0 25,751 806
MA2 180 2,353 5,164 $0 248,298 881
FA2 61 146 321 $0 21,382 750
MA3 188 2,764 6,148 $0 296,273 849
FA3 62 148 322 $0 19,798 700

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 522 1,468 $24,551 69,439 75
Alaska 3 116 282 $0 10,890 8
Alberta 2 234 660 $4,685 43,051 7
Arizona 3 376 1,135 $892 54,288 33
Arkansas 1 112 222 $1,760 13,910 2
British Columbia 2 157 277 $329 16,448 9
California 10 625 1,710 $3,217 26,815 42
Colorado 5 565 814 $6,214 46,371 19
Connecticut 1 23 214 $0 0 0
Florida 4 286 648 $9,043 37,229 16
Georgia 7 374 1,185 $0 14,638 8
Idaho 1 71 143 $1,428 8,558 6
Illinois 7 511 1,059 $18,460 60,577 70
Indiana 7 382 1,218 $3,633 25,816 16
Iowa 3 233 329 $2,511 20,722 9
Kansas 5 193 477 $1,500 17,639 11
Kentucky 2 276 693 $2,222 51,544 18
Louisiana 2 86 273 $0 5,889 2
Maine 3 302 657 $1,775 20,018 11
Maryland 1 120 239 $1,755 14,814 1
Massachusetts 3 229 386 $7,276 23,142 29
Michigan 9 356 830 $3,076 33,084 13
Minnesota 5 330 486 $2,893 39,185 7
Mississippi 3 103 259 $465 5,765 6
Missouri 5 277 670 $2,619 19,783 8
Nebraska 1 68 67 $636 5,940 0
Nevada 1 45 218 $0 0 0
New Brunswick 1 116 345 $1,995 23,918 2
New Jersey 3 165 493 $75 9,877 6
New Mexico 2 82 194 $1,854 16,136 1
New York 5 328 559 $3,702 31,169 8
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 14 30 $70 1,961 0
North Carolina 10 548 1,070 $7,228 60,660 38
North Dakota 1 65 129 $0 9,090 2
Ohio 4 364 724 $2,040 47,412 6
Oklahoma 7 260 531 $14,202 25,668 34
Ontario 6 390 977 $8,381 64,490 21
Oregon 3 303 598 $9,465 36,004 19
Pennsylvania 6 270 808 $1,109 19,728 14
Prince Edward Island 1 39 195 $0 0 0
Quebec 2 190 381 $1,847 25,174 1
South Carolina 5 231 358 $808 22,616 5
South Dakota 2 97 334 $0 9,165 12
Tennessee 4 241 357 $2,389 15,697 8
Texas 13 687 1,313 $6,498 79,392 21
Vermont 1 161 317 $3,857 20,049 2
Virginia 4 152 405 $264 18,605 9
Washington 4 331 1,080 $29,718 22,035 106
West Virginia 2 45 204 $0 0 3
Wisconsin 8 469 880 $2,665 52,070 21
Wyoming 1 40 82 $0 5,817 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Armenia 1 3 3 $0 189 0
Australia 1 57 114 $0 7,827 2
Austria 1 72 213 $1,708 13,617 13
Belgium 1 42 84 $0 5,603 0
Canada 15 1,140 2,865 $17,307 175,042 40
China 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Colombia 2 39 88 $0 4,924 0
Czech Republic 2 60 181 $0 11,234 1
Denmark 2 113 313 $2,307 20,387 11
Estonia 3 236 616 $2,828 40,127 27
Finland 20 1,424 2,831 $24,141 180,006 168
France 2 109 301 $843 20,196 3
Germany 3 212 546 $0 36,542 21
Iceland 4 235 544 $13,683 35,824 11
Japan 1 22 85 $225 3,700 7
Mexico 1 20 42 $0 2,544 0
Netherlands 1 39 78 $0 3,713 0
New Zealand 1 57 114 $208 8,081 0
Norway 13 714 1,348 $12,264 81,249 32
Poland 1 51 151 $0 8,844 0
Slovakia 1 23 48 $0 3,122 0
Slovenia 1 40 119 $0 6,874 2
South Africa 1 15 32 $0 1,979 0
Spain 1 43 97 $0 0 1
Sweden 17 1,021 1,952 $1,410 128,914 17
Taiwan 1 18 58 $0 3,334 0
Ukraine 1 22 73 $348 4,591 0
United Kingdom 1 64 182 $0 10,277 2
United States 181 11,420 26,118 $181,800 1,127,246 728