StatMando Monday

From Monday 2014-07-07 to Sunday 2014-07-13, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2014-07-07
(click to change weeks)
(2,927 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:43 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 47 808 2,121 $52,360 122,243 953
FPO 19 61 177 $4,177 11,927 854
MA1 40 648 1,523 $0 95,164 918
FA1 23 53 123 $0 8,942 791
MA2 39 502 1,166 $0 74,239 881
FA2 13 27 59 $0 4,918 749
MA3 30 271 579 $0 39,123 840
FA3 7 15 39 $0 3,056 644

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 35 69 $395 3,576 1
Arizona 1 67 200 $2,712 14,591 11
British Columbia 1 33 103 $940 6,055 1
California 2 228 551 $6,395 40,776 33
Connecticut 1 78 238 $7,731 17,857 28
Florida 1 133 513 $6,046 28,283 17
Georgia 2 91 324 $2,067 18,216 22
Idaho 1 62 183 $0 11,526 8
Illinois 1 89 178 $598 11,995 2
Iowa 3 121 241 $1,081 14,479 6
Kansas 1 70 210 $1,109 12,746 10
Massachusetts 1 31 62 $254 3,822 1
Michigan 3 171 341 $2,829 19,684 14
Minnesota 4 151 280 $2,170 17,159 8
Montana 1 45 88 $1,415 4,942 5
Nebraska 1 52 103 $400 6,042 3
New Jersey 2 111 221 $1,695 13,756 18
New York 1 43 124 $505 7,804 8
North Carolina 1 112 331 $6,565 20,246 42
Ohio 2 71 261 $1,810 14,327 13
Ontario 1 7 21 $150 1,289 0
Pennsylvania 1 72 144 $1,926 8,623 9
South Dakota 2 98 195 $1,386 11,028 7
Tennessee 1 73 145 $584 8,499 2
Texas 3 195 296 $2,390 18,571 11
Vermont 1 23 46 $0 2,508 0
Washington 1 136 398 $12,150 24,622 34
Wisconsin 2 91 182 $1,710 10,974 8

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 21 41 $0 2,658 5
Canada 2 40 124 $1,090 7,344 1
Czech Republic 1 17 59 $0 3,777 1
Finland 5 370 899 $4,597 63,135 24
Japan 1 28 122 $600 5,664 4
Lithuania 1 12 40 $0 2,384 1
Sweden 2 98 308 $4,186 17,127 12
Switzerland 1 40 120 $767 5,562 7
United Kingdom 1 21 42 $0 2,501 0
United States 41 2,449 5,924 $65,923 366,652 321