StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-03-04 to Sunday 2024-03-10, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-03-04
(click to change weeks)
(9,421 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-03-17 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 126 1,735 3,319 $132,026 177,851 949
FPO 45 182 439 $38,569 29,237 877
MP40 61 402 831 $20,735 47,528 918
MP50 36 154 336 $11,879 20,425 912
FP40 8 18 43 $1,104 3,067 799
MP60 16 40 84 $2,385 4,569 871
MP70 4 7 18 $533 1,176 845
MA1 124 1,752 3,955 $0 159,977 901
FA1 46 112 237 $0 15,702 802
MA2 114 1,347 2,612 $0 137,404 882
FA2 30 86 193 $0 11,701 767
MA3 113 1,788 3,456 $0 197,633 848
FA3 39 95 173 $0 12,222 713

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 142 282 $1,424 16,645 2
Arizona 5 151 335 $294 2,674 4
Arkansas 6 292 412 $2,322 26,197 10
British Columbia 4 213 460 $947 26,067 6
California 7 640 1,497 $12,610 94,344 38
Colorado 4 292 564 $8,014 32,969 24
Delaware 1 49 98 $504 6,203 3
Florida 5 459 1,038 $1,339 61,083 5
Georgia 7 524 1,370 $8,268 39,269 35
Idaho 1 69 137 $760 9,324 2
Illinois 3 258 514 $2,153 15,154 12
Indiana 6 315 589 $4,254 41,640 12
Iowa 1 64 64 $336 3,496 2
Kansas 4 353 702 $4,833 40,809 17
Kentucky 5 281 422 $767 22,307 5
Louisiana 1 35 68 $636 4,281 5
Michigan 4 230 448 $2,035 27,682 4
Mississippi 1 48 98 $108 5,466 1
Missouri 3 169 172 $784 10,453 2
Montana 1 57 116 $1,380 6,496 6
Nebraska 1 26 27 $36 1,593 0
New Jersey 1 32 64 $363 4,414 1
North Carolina 7 482 915 $6,070 56,165 28
Nova Scotia 1 41 81 $0 4,743 0
Ohio 2 115 191 $928 12,067 0
Oklahoma 3 170 419 $3,446 25,597 11
Oregon 3 246 488 $902 34,832 6
Pennsylvania 3 228 258 $1,999 22,310 5
South Carolina 3 166 510 $8,411 32,166 35
Tennessee 6 391 549 $2,420 34,838 7
Texas 19 1,216 2,454 $119,079 148,316 337
Utah 1 129 363 $0 0 6
Virginia 6 297 708 $873 18,341 7
Washington 5 392 1,054 $2,890 32,439 16
West Virginia 1 141 277 $1,263 17,208 1
Wisconsin 1 34 35 $245 2,104 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 90 338 $0 0 0
Belgium 1 45 92 $0 5,681 4
Canada 5 254 541 $947 30,810 6
Colombia 1 31 96 $0 7,204 0
Croatia 1 50 145 $0 8,058 0
Czech Republic 1 60 122 $0 6,807 0
Denmark 2 152 234 $393 16,080 2
Finland 2 120 144 $0 8,228 3
France 1 59 174 $827 11,562 7
Germany 2 102 204 $0 12,314 4
Lithuania 1 105 207 $286 14,450 0
Netherlands 1 42 84 $0 5,109 0
New Zealand 1 43 210 $0 0 1
Poland 1 59 120 $0 7,883 1
Serbia 1 27 56 $0 3,086 0
Spain 3 81 137 $629 6,524 5
Sweden 2 120 233 $294 16,192 2
Switzerland 1 90 179 $2,109 12,176 10
Thailand 1 8 27 $0 1,308 0
Uganda 1 13 13 $0 769 0
United Kingdom 1 12 12 $0 714 0
United States 129 8,493 17,238 $201,746 908,882 649