StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-08-01 to Sunday 2022-08-07, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-08-01
(click to change weeks)
(12,959 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-08-09 04:30 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 125 2,174 5,171 $110,120 308,874 949
FPO 93 399 976 $25,645 64,283 855
MP40 64 496 1,249 $24,265 78,493 923
MP50 36 161 372 $6,910 24,024 913
FP40 39 69 150 $2,178 9,534 842
FP50 14 17 32 $553 1,868 833
MP55 1 4 12 $698 747 920
FP55 11 13 26 $487 1,564 856
MP60 20 60 160 $2,709 10,376 892
FP60 8 9 18 $218 1,074 824
MP65 2 2 2 $23 112 884
FP65 5 5 9 $109 532 827
MP70 3 7 18 $0 1,332 800
FP70 2 4 6 $200 436 590
MA1 140 1,923 3,844 $0 237,908 917
FA1 118 410 807 $0 52,085 823
MA2 136 2,045 4,018 $0 252,585 884
FA2 112 447 882 $0 58,067 774
MA3 131 2,284 4,341 $0 279,671 843
FA3 126 527 1,007 $0 70,243 718

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 723 1,661 $144 99,153 49
Alaska 1 18 36 $0 2,053 0
Alberta 4 129 335 $0 22,925 12
Arizona 2 76 145 $0 9,960 3
Arkansas 4 136 240 $428 14,385 4
British Columbia 2 37 74 $69 4,243 0
California 11 538 1,057 $8,085 70,711 25
Colorado 9 529 912 $53 58,167 25
Connecticut 2 170 193 $1,130 12,933 3
Delaware 1 70 135 $0 8,482 3
Florida 5 259 427 $206 27,348 1
Georgia 7 428 1,054 $1,105 63,144 15
Hawaii 1 104 404 $0 25,859 9
Idaho 2 227 594 $0 36,460 47
Illinois 6 435 588 $495 40,283 14
Indiana 8 667 1,185 $13,353 74,892 43
Iowa 2 373 935 $10,139 57,339 10
Kansas 3 231 599 $0 39,694 10
Louisiana 2 137 259 $533 15,639 5
Maine 1 14 26 $0 1,804 0
Manitoba 1 11 22 $0 1,554 0
Massachusetts 5 344 556 $2,510 36,322 4
Michigan 8 582 1,249 $31,952 75,682 86
Minnesota 4 142 277 $600 17,278 7
Missouri 6 369 713 $30,341 44,725 100
Montana 1 77 153 $925 9,134 0
Nebraska 2 37 74 $0 4,478 0
New Hampshire 2 160 301 $10,761 18,866 13
New Jersey 3 154 306 $280 19,943 0
New York 7 283 557 $4,698 34,902 7
North Carolina 9 425 651 $1,328 38,464 4
North Dakota 1 50 99 $782 7,482 3
Nova Scotia 2 13 21 $0 1,705 0
Ohio 3 139 350 $220 25,421 7
Oklahoma 2 103 203 $470 12,246 0
Ontario 8 383 860 $0 56,719 15
Oregon 4 159 380 $180 25,552 30
Pennsylvania 9 409 810 $3,440 54,285 32
Prince Edward Island 1 5 9 $0 616 0
Quebec 1 22 25 $0 1,456 0
Saskatchewan 1 9 18 $199 1,151 0
South Carolina 6 211 362 $650 22,775 3
South Dakota 1 59 118 $665 7,181 1
Tennessee 4 106 144 $48 8,837 0
Texas 20 1,104 1,713 $8,719 101,987 41
Utah 1 33 66 $152 3,899 0
Vermont 1 14 28 $340 1,971 0
Virginia 5 215 488 $2,732 34,473 9
Washington 4 247 559 $764 36,347 29
Wisconsin 11 456 931 $22,536 61,626 65
Wyoming 1 32 64 $287 4,297 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 7 174 341 $629 20,196 4
Belize 1 18 36 $200 2,439 2
Canada 21 626 1,398 $268 92,211 27
China 2 8 16 $0 890 0
Croatia 1 28 56 $0 3,084 2
Czech Republic 1 126 373 $2,511 24,937 11
Denmark 3 20 33 $0 2,522 0
Estonia 1 160 624 $1,233 43,063 41
Finland 10 489 1,083 $2,760 70,136 15
France 1 18 36 $0 2,863 0
Germany 3 100 200 $0 12,454 1
Iceland 3 15 15 $0 1,186 0
Japan 2 54 183 $0 11,119 12
Lithuania 1 65 128 $0 8,450 0
Malaysia 1 5 8 $52 624 0
Mexico 2 110 246 $0 16,112 0
New Zealand 2 46 88 $0 5,882 0
Norway 2 125 372 $5,411 25,306 5
Sweden 10 505 1,250 $0 78,936 57
Switzerland 2 83 165 $0 8,762 8
United Kingdom 5 173 460 $0 28,093 1
United States 191 11,045 21,602 $161,051 1,366,479 709