StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-10-01 to Sunday 2018-10-07, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-10-01
(click to change weeks)
(4,269 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:58 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 67 987 2,458 $116,857 147,013 951
FPO 31 94 221 $4,592 14,395 841
MP40 37 221 485 $13,829 27,319 929
MP50 17 76 181 $5,744 10,455 923
FP40 3 5 11 $288 636 778
MP60 6 14 30 $905 1,623 902
MA1 65 717 1,592 $0 95,693 918
FA1 32 93 208 $0 15,492 793
MA2 59 776 1,680 $0 104,742 884
FA2 18 57 142 $0 11,609 719
MA3 57 696 1,415 $0 94,335 848
FA3 22 48 98 $0 7,285 680

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 131 259 $3,540 15,603 6
Alaska 1 27 54 $495 2,910 1
Arizona 1 156 436 $5,651 22,740 13
British Columbia 1 55 160 $2,042 10,767 2
California 3 297 755 $7,125 44,759 49
Colorado 1 79 234 $4,724 14,922 8
Connecticut 1 41 82 $1,024 5,208 2
Georgia 1 75 150 $2,046 9,058 7
Illinois 2 141 282 $1,290 15,541 11
Indiana 3 134 256 $304 15,881 5
Iowa 2 75 157 $2,106 10,641 7
Kansas 1 99 273 $0 16,683 2
Kentucky 3 119 238 $2,653 15,543 7
Maryland 1 60 118 $520 7,277 2
Massachusetts 1 83 163 $3,610 10,126 6
Michigan 1 22 44 $0 2,549 0
Minnesota 2 91 219 $3,500 13,082 11
Mississippi 1 17 48 $895 2,864 1
Missouri 1 2 2 $0 192 0
New Hampshire 1 48 94 $1,485 5,248 1
New Jersey 1 64 128 $365 8,378 1
New York 2 125 248 $2,035 17,318 8
North Carolina 1 22 44 $0 2,443 0
Ohio 3 146 290 $3,561 19,474 10
Ontario 1 105 310 $2,350 23,904 4
Oregon 1 31 91 $1,293 5,589 5
Pennsylvania 5 221 431 $2,391 28,805 11
South Carolina 1 130 498 $70,552 33,805 289
Texas 5 352 887 $7,945 52,817 44
Utah 2 82 151 $198 9,286 2
Virginia 2 110 217 $1,024 14,201 5
Washington 1 57 112 $1,940 6,850 1
West Virginia 1 16 31 $0 2,069 0
Wisconsin 3 126 251 $3,337 10,484 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 22 44 $0 3,055 0
Canada 2 160 470 $4,392 34,671 6
Denmark 1 69 129 $0 7,683 1
Estonia 1 166 299 $0 21,593 2
Finland 9 372 729 $434 47,033 2
Hungary 1 59 209 $0 12,575 0
Netherlands 1 47 91 $0 4,743 1
Norway 4 88 197 $460 11,564 2
Slovenia 1 18 50 $0 2,579 0
Spain 1 19 61 $0 3,951 1
Sweden 2 148 295 $1,130 18,057 8
United Kingdom 2 61 120 $190 7,237 1
United States 58 3,217 7,318 $135,609 447,961 516