StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-07-29 to Sunday 2024-08-04, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-07-29
(click to change weeks)
(13,479 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-08-11 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 181 2,408 5,515 $171,140 258,102 948
FPO 73 277 661 $51,208 42,801 858
MP40 97 692 1,482 $29,236 79,506 920
MP50 57 243 518 $12,456 32,030 895
FP40 11 41 111 $3,668 8,008 804
FP50 4 8 21 $438 1,625 794
MP60 17 61 141 $3,324 8,305 895
FP60 2 2 3 $0 185 832
MP65 1 2 4 $80 219 915
MP70 2 3 6 $53 374 843
MA1 174 2,901 7,182 $0 263,717 905
FA1 53 221 477 $0 28,829 816
MA2 160 2,219 5,085 $0 228,733 888
FA2 49 134 308 $0 18,026 775
MA3 169 2,847 6,165 $0 320,862 855
FA3 54 124 281 $0 16,700 718

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 6 338 672 $848 18,832 11
Alaska 1 70 142 $884 8,248 2
Alberta 1 143 427 $0 25,947 10
Arizona 3 174 425 $785 10,928 15
Arkansas 2 111 112 $0 6,615 1
California 5 489 1,177 $5,285 66,830 31
Colorado 5 280 559 $1,711 31,702 4
Connecticut 2 72 143 $1,689 9,036 0
Florida 2 82 400 $0 0 11
Georgia 9 745 1,645 $0 41,772 29
Illinois 20 3,827 9,250 $172,513 533,815 469
Indiana 5 127 458 $80 1,053 3
Iowa 3 83 135 $228 5,887 3
Kansas 4 188 501 $3,364 14,839 16
Kentucky 6 326 1,089 $280 9,097 34
Louisiana 2 83 223 $1,166 6,215 8
Maine 4 248 611 $418 9,354 9
Manitoba 1 31 62 $312 3,629 0
Massachusetts 3 243 380 $3,806 20,980 6
Michigan 13 492 718 $544 51,463 9
Minnesota 4 131 243 $2,496 14,082 11
Mississippi 1 62 124 $2,038 7,513 8
Missouri 7 240 507 $1,450 10,342 6
Montana 1 86 174 $0 10,388 4
Nebraska 1 99 191 $2,727 13,252 3
Nevada 1 36 104 $0 0 1
New Hampshire 1 11 12 $0 771 0
New Jersey 2 65 170 $0 5,783 0
New York 5 295 660 $10,233 43,232 13
North Carolina 7 303 462 $1,576 18,486 15
North Dakota 1 8 38 $0 0 0
Ohio 5 179 378 $1,992 19,831 4
Oklahoma 1 37 38 $48 2,172 2
Ontario 1 46 393 $0 0 1
Oregon 1 165 324 $6,318 21,222 13
Pennsylvania 8 440 1,265 $4,289 37,684 34
Prince Edward Island 1 40 82 $551 5,611 0
South Carolina 4 165 374 $0 21,022 3
Tennessee 9 314 676 $1,293 29,329 7
Texas 11 429 712 $5,777 38,012 20
Utah 2 205 566 $0 8,292 12
Virginia 8 336 1,025 $118 11,245 19
Washington 3 145 325 $1,356 20,129 5
West Virginia 2 78 172 $15 2,649 0
Wisconsin 5 297 504 $3,773 31,865 8
Wyoming 1 37 76 $0 4,551 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 88 263 $1,709 17,976 4
Canada 4 260 964 $863 35,187 11
China 1 20 41 $25 2,387 0
Czech Republic 2 117 317 $0 21,382 8
Denmark 1 72 143 $0 7,862 1
Estonia 2 119 209 $0 11,967 2
Finland 12 687 1,511 $151 92,575 80
France 1 81 236 $683 16,103 7
Hungary 1 80 242 $0 16,652 0
Iceland 1 67 68 $0 4,462 0
Latvia 1 146 435 $0 33,452 4
Lithuania 1 107 324 $2,267 23,302 3
Malaysia 1 18 49 $222 2,446 0
Netherlands 1 59 119 $0 7,771 0
Norway 6 333 447 $0 28,051 4
Poland 2 47 91 $0 5,577 0
Slovakia 1 10 33 $0 1,847 2
South Africa 1 21 43 $0 2,631 0
Spain 1 9 20 $0 905 0
Sweden 23 1,475 2,982 $26,582 191,577 142
United Kingdom 1 53 108 $100 6,591 0
United States 186 12,141 27,760 $239,100 1,218,518 850