StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-09-06 to Sunday 2021-09-12, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-09-06
(click to change weeks)
(10,928 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:12 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 136 1,953 4,587 $161,947 273,420 944
FPO 50 192 521 $29,080 36,249 868
MP40 75 642 1,584 $61,920 97,772 926
MP50 41 231 618 $28,314 39,267 926
FP40 11 38 116 $5,131 8,521 817
FP50 2 8 25 $2,035 1,702 849
MP55 2 21 69 $6,276 4,259 953
FP55 1 1 4 $315 267 841
MP60 15 81 229 $10,738 14,951 903
FP60 1 2 6 $625 412 836
MP65 3 10 30 $2,528 1,902 916
FP65 2 3 9 $640 633 801
MP70 1 5 16 $1,565 913 891
FP70 1 2 4 $285 386 535
MA1 124 1,749 3,734 $0 229,329 912
FA1 53 158 366 $0 26,267 787
MA2 122 1,987 4,116 $0 263,008 878
FA2 57 146 315 $0 23,408 752
MA3 125 1,897 3,607 $0 237,247 842
FA3 49 113 222 $0 18,024 696

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 85 169 $2,981 10,666 8
Alaska 1 63 216 $2,075 11,670 0
Alberta 5 296 810 $21,893 53,672 25
Arizona 2 57 102 $440 5,922 3
Arkansas 3 152 275 $3,758 18,227 9
British Columbia 1 65 130 $96 8,921 1
California 5 349 667 $6,852 40,737 14
Colorado 5 449 1,003 $5,535 59,988 15
Delaware 1 63 126 $565 7,509 1
Georgia 3 251 747 $3,612 41,961 9
Idaho 1 84 251 $0 21,862 19
Illinois 5 229 451 $3,733 28,411 6
Indiana 7 445 733 $4,079 47,690 12
Iowa 3 199 323 $2,796 20,948 10
Kansas 2 141 388 $4,225 25,646 7
Kentucky 4 239 430 $2,740 24,661 11
Louisiana 1 67 133 $955 7,764 11
Maine 1 14 14 $20 817 0
Manitoba 2 81 162 $389 10,090 1
Maryland 1 127 243 $0 16,872 0
Massachusetts 2 113 163 $770 9,600 0
Michigan 7 549 1,083 $5,370 67,521 11
Minnesota 4 248 363 $927 24,750 2
Mississippi 1 189 373 $4,175 22,858 7
Missouri 3 469 1,387 $62,070 88,585 65
Montana 1 21 42 $0 2,747 0
Nebraska 1 40 80 $280 4,613 1
New Jersey 3 145 283 $1,595 19,651 5
New York 4 220 408 $3,756 26,337 7
North Carolina 7 431 1,001 $7,306 63,349 36
North Dakota 2 106 211 $2,825 14,989 1
Nova Scotia 1 65 255 $1,202 15,559 0
Ohio 4 236 470 $6,474 31,943 6
Oklahoma 4 237 407 $2,620 25,376 12
Ontario 7 371 753 $10,289 50,406 24
Oregon 3 275 674 $8,568 39,584 37
Pennsylvania 4 157 294 $3,603 20,031 9
Prince Edward Island 1 45 133 $967 9,171 1
Saskatchewan 1 99 293 $3,054 17,684 8
South Carolina 3 147 291 $2,602 17,749 15
Tennessee 1 55 53 $313 2,722 0
Texas 9 648 1,339 $7,258 81,588 50
Utah 2 121 352 $2,795 22,469 11
Vermont 2 377 1,180 $75,056 75,888 266
Virginia 2 93 204 $4,552 12,702 23
Washington 3 209 411 $4,465 28,680 11
West Virginia 1 136 269 $1,331 15,815 3
Wisconsin 3 310 476 $5,357 30,739 16
Wyoming 1 81 235 $2,737 15,849 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 45 90 $55 5,942 2
Austria 1 30 109 $0 5,738 4
Canada 18 1,022 2,536 $37,890 165,503 60
Estonia 1 80 159 $0 10,216 1
Finland 12 589 1,150 $1,205 73,906 16
Germany 1 132 463 $2,169 33,988 42
Iceland 1 80 234 $0 15,112 2
Latvia 1 53 106 $0 6,815 2
Norway 10 548 1,306 $6,110 85,817 6
Slovakia 1 39 115 $0 7,705 2
Spain 1 53 158 $0 9,252 0
Sweden 6 238 408 $210 26,703 6
Switzerland 1 92 182 $2,519 10,974 5
United Kingdom 2 103 323 $1,093 19,748 10
United States 123 8,627 18,320 $261,171 1,157,486 740