StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-08-05 to Sunday 2024-08-11, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-08-05
(click to change weeks)
(12,083 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-08-18 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 184 2,694 6,700 $182,903 326,415 948
FPO 61 287 755 $48,012 52,332 859
MP40 94 652 1,514 $30,079 85,557 924
MP50 54 281 707 $15,023 42,965 912
FP40 16 31 71 $2,267 4,890 812
FP50 4 6 19 $572 902 844
MP60 25 81 202 $5,348 12,972 893
MP70 3 10 27 $515 1,858 837
MA1 171 2,259 6,123 $0 234,930 911
FA1 68 265 863 $0 49,933 814
MA2 155 1,743 3,935 $0 171,946 886
FA2 38 72 139 $0 7,877 771
MA3 165 2,103 4,467 $0 190,463 845
FA3 39 89 182 $0 8,786 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 6 272 640 $92 21,424 6
Alaska 1 87 336 $0 19,419 9
Alberta 4 66 163 $232 7,893 4
Arizona 2 192 451 $8,691 29,931 28
Arkansas 2 64 206 $477 3,221 5
California 9 678 2,213 $12,071 100,186 128
Colorado 5 339 824 $4,035 48,506 23
Connecticut 2 195 196 $543 11,726 1
Delaware 1 35 105 $0 0 0
Florida 3 199 201 $439 15,330 3
Georgia 5 222 611 $2,084 14,273 12
Hawaii 1 49 196 $1,360 11,390 12
Idaho 1 59 120 $916 7,692 2
Illinois 6 289 639 $1,790 18,786 21
Indiana 6 435 847 $140 43,715 19
Iowa 6 361 1,005 $1,582 21,832 23
Kansas 1 38 74 $0 4,219 2
Kentucky 2 197 541 $107,128 36,071 236
Maine 1 87 174 $5,250 10,235 11
Maryland 5 282 789 $637 22,707 7
Massachusetts 3 160 282 $4,838 16,665 9
Michigan 11 719 2,472 $470 107,921 144
Minnesota 5 162 283 $404 18,656 0
Mississippi 1 36 90 $160 3,783 0
Missouri 5 524 1,233 $13,249 64,918 46
Montana 2 113 310 $5,950 17,984 6
Nebraska 1 6 26 $0 0 0
Nevada 3 103 189 $47 7,982 1
New Brunswick 1 0 0 $0 0 0
New Hampshire 1 23 46 $105 2,892 1
New Jersey 4 182 535 $639 15,058 7
New York 5 224 328 $506 18,182 2
North Carolina 9 483 964 $6,640 35,076 23
North Dakota 1 64 125 $0 6,833 0
Ohio 10 308 655 $2,731 31,209 14
Oklahoma 2 69 71 $171 4,858 3
Ontario 3 118 291 $934 15,654 3
Oregon 6 337 954 $6,349 22,177 22
Pennsylvania 3 194 388 $6,402 26,630 26
Quebec 1 99 199 $782 13,239 2
South Carolina 2 63 158 $156 5,826 1
South Dakota 4 141 449 $2,335 10,511 4
Tennessee 6 338 779 $777 24,891 19
Texas 13 616 931 $5,589 49,995 37
Vermont 1 116 234 $1,880 16,832 7
Virginia 4 226 775 $507 10,132 20
Washington 4 237 537 $2,582 35,356 10
Wisconsin 6 298 716 $6,304 44,171 21
Wyoming 1 43 85 $0 5,851 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 65 132 $0 9,982 0
Canada 9 283 653 $1,948 36,786 9
Croatia 1 36 108 $0 4,559 2
Czech Republic 2 129 354 $2,990 24,781 22
Denmark 2 132 444 $0 24,218 20
Estonia 2 204 612 $21,860 39,701 97
Finland 11 754 1,517 $6,149 77,715 68
Germany 1 62 189 $0 11,616 9
Iceland 3 161 358 $3,464 17,236 7
Mexico 2 33 49 $0 3,043 0
Netherlands 1 43 83 $0 5,196 2
New Zealand 2 104 354 $193 6,943 3
Norway 7 387 874 $16,748 60,958 36
Sweden 19 862 2,063 $14,539 114,450 93
United Kingdom 1 109 321 $1,276 20,978 4
United States 178 9,865 23,783 $216,026 1,045,052 971