StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-11-22 to Sunday 2021-11-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-11-22
(click to change weeks)
(4,306 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:14 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 64 649 1,124 $26,427 65,912 942
FPO 24 60 106 $2,413 7,361 849
MP40 30 180 311 $9,035 18,987 932
MP50 15 53 102 $2,550 6,212 907
FP40 2 4 7 $47 498 820
MP60 6 22 41 $797 3,078 891
MP70 1 1 2 $53 164 776
MA1 62 629 1,030 $0 61,674 919
FA1 31 69 122 $0 8,406 809
MA2 64 886 1,414 $0 88,511 881
FA2 25 62 111 $0 8,185 748
MA3 64 944 1,506 $0 97,735 842
FA3 32 71 122 $0 9,711 689

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 131 262 $297 15,370 1
Arizona 1 83 165 $0 14,076 0
British Columbia 1 49 98 $0 6,776 1
Colorado 1 87 87 $1,012 4,792 4
Florida 3 267 647 $4,208 39,546 19
Illinois 1 147 147 $0 7,883 1
Iowa 2 156 156 $557 8,629 2
Kansas 1 85 168 $940 8,821 5
Louisiana 1 69 135 $1,645 9,633 7
Maryland 2 104 207 $1,342 11,907 6
Michigan 3 204 315 $723 18,788 2
Minnesota 2 149 149 $515 12,033 1
Missouri 4 257 281 $1,273 18,229 10
Nebraska 1 25 25 $30 1,343 1
Nevada 1 88 176 $1,513 10,970 9
New Hampshire 2 59 59 $215 3,777 0
North Carolina 4 250 492 $2,179 32,493 12
Ohio 1 53 106 $1,474 7,791 1
Oklahoma 3 207 289 $3,564 19,445 8
Ontario 1 50 100 $0 6,547 0
Oregon 3 115 186 $640 12,237 5
Pennsylvania 1 73 141 $439 9,099 1
South Carolina 2 87 217 $1,885 14,768 7
Tennessee 1 172 342 $5,000 19,585 21
Texas 10 425 685 $5,692 42,140 26
Virginia 5 191 331 $1,040 21,280 4
Washington 4 252 377 $1,537 22,281 6
Wisconsin 4 242 368 $1,664 21,917 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 2 99 198 $0 13,323 1
Czech Republic 1 22 41 $32 2,739 0
Denmark 2 96 120 $137 7,758 0
Finland 2 83 120 $158 8,299 3
France 2 41 81 $0 5,293 0
Germany 1 47 93 $0 5,932 4
Japan 1 49 98 $1,611 9,352 8
Mauritius 1 2 2 $0 185 0
Netherlands 1 11 22 $0 1,102 0
Sweden 1 68 134 $0 8,666 0
United Kingdom 1 26 51 $0 2,551 0
United States 65 3,978 6,513 $39,384 408,833 170