StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-04-09 to Sunday 2018-04-15, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-04-09
(click to change weeks)
(4,586 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:56 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 52 797 1,848 $56,606 109,441 950
FPO 29 98 258 $5,984 17,929 845
MP40 31 263 630 $15,435 40,115 923
MP50 17 118 309 $8,224 20,129 917
FP40 1 2 4 $80 309 820
FP50 1 1 3 $60 204 827
MP55 2 2 4 $153 248 921
MP60 3 13 38 $1,327 2,443 891
MA1 60 1,053 2,280 $0 141,426 913
FA1 26 94 203 $0 14,530 787
MA2 51 871 1,891 $0 121,647 876
FA2 21 58 136 $0 10,373 752
MA3 47 604 1,271 $0 83,582 843
FA3 16 33 71 $0 5,280 696

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 99 198 $2,700 11,567 2
Arkansas 2 120 275 $6,020 18,532 35
California 3 324 966 $5,806 59,265 46
Colorado 2 146 366 $2,236 22,454 6
Connecticut 1 17 16 $0 1,460 0
Florida 3 239 713 $13,755 44,513 35
Georgia 2 81 157 $1,730 9,769 7
Illinois 1 66 130 $321 7,492 4
Indiana 1 64 126 $875 8,127 2
Iowa 3 106 207 $1,481 13,303 7
Kansas 1 108 294 $6,350 19,908 17
Kentucky 1 80 143 $3,586 13,436 8
Maine 1 78 155 $270 9,391 2
Maryland 1 69 137 $740 8,652 3
Michigan 2 78 187 $915 13,868 1
Mississippi 1 5 10 $0 639 0
Missouri 2 42 62 $50 3,924 3
New Jersey 1 62 119 $600 7,581 3
New Mexico 1 66 132 $1,195 8,072 7
North Carolina 4 252 496 $1,474 31,170 10
Ohio 2 174 342 $5,492 21,395 16
Oklahoma 2 123 246 $4,443 16,331 10
Ontario 1 24 24 $84 1,423 0
Oregon 2 103 186 $978 12,846 3
Pennsylvania 2 209 416 $2,080 29,307 6
South Carolina 9 330 689 $0 42,100 17
Tennessee 1 62 124 $620 8,070 2
Texas 4 431 1,017 $16,828 67,344 53
Utah 1 39 38 $756 2,568 3
Virginia 4 197 337 $2,915 20,676 13
Wisconsin 4 171 282 $1,254 17,647 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 1 24 24 $84 1,423 0
Czech Republic 1 21 41 $0 2,676 0
Estonia 2 133 264 $0 16,796 0
Finland 3 176 352 $512 22,632 4
France 1 88 300 $241 18,191 2
Germany 1 64 190 $0 10,912 13
Japan 1 26 77 $405 6,214 7
Lithuania 1 38 76 $150 5,524 0
Netherlands 1 19 37 $0 1,817 0
Slovakia 1 73 260 $0 15,712 3
Sweden 2 80 158 $57 9,037 1
United Kingdom 1 92 267 $950 17,479 5
United States 65 3,941 8,566 $85,470 551,407 324