StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-09-04 to Sunday 2023-09-10, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-09-04
(click to change weeks)
(12,714 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-09-17 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 180 2,255 4,573 $136,148 262,943 946
FPO 69 255 582 $19,722 39,836 841
MP40 85 595 1,220 $30,649 74,774 918
MP50 37 164 347 $8,347 22,335 903
FP40 6 18 34 $965 2,303 819
FP50 5 7 12 $736 850 774
MP55 4 8 9 $162 567 908
MP60 25 62 137 $4,879 8,655 883
FP60 2 2 5 $256 391 735
MP65 1 1 2 $25 135 763
MP70 2 2 4 $0 335 696
FP70 1 1 3 $0 212 778
MA1 179 2,040 3,744 $0 205,583 916
FA1 61 167 360 $0 24,073 799
MA2 181 2,247 4,178 $0 240,860 886
FA2 61 152 291 $0 20,082 762
MA3 178 2,483 4,553 $0 275,846 851
FA3 47 122 239 $0 17,405 709

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 191 366 $253 20,407 2
Alaska 1 88 259 $3,420 13,357 2
Alberta 2 50 91 $0 0 1
Arizona 2 34 29 $0 461 0
Arkansas 4 138 194 $2,029 11,141 5
British Columbia 2 148 433 $2,774 26,861 11
California 4 332 546 $5,138 35,165 13
Colorado 4 152 349 $2,622 20,053 7
Connecticut 1 88 170 $1,890 10,645 3
Delaware 1 63 120 $540 7,075 0
Florida 6 717 1,408 $1,282 87,745 13
Georgia 4 292 677 $4,468 45,042 14
Illinois 9 505 889 $6,533 58,566 22
Indiana 8 374 748 $1,933 46,860 6
Iowa 4 223 307 $2,348 19,807 15
Kansas 3 327 767 $6,991 42,304 18
Kentucky 3 13 6 $495 440 0
Louisiana 1 22 76 $0 0 0
Maryland 2 98 243 $4,645 6,244 1
Massachusetts 1 125 125 $646 7,951 1
Michigan 12 530 921 $3,072 51,609 17
Minnesota 3 222 443 $2,157 25,707 8
Mississippi 1 161 318 $4,758 19,470 9
Missouri 5 344 437 $2,063 26,935 5
Montana 1 80 156 $3,322 11,401 2
Nebraska 3 210 283 $1,170 18,462 4
Nevada 1 7 28 $0 1,676 1
New Hampshire 3 189 530 $18,030 30,936 47
New Jersey 3 153 302 $4,640 20,677 16
New York 4 215 535 $5,162 32,789 4
North Carolina 11 473 687 $2,528 38,251 14
North Dakota 1 46 47 $0 0 0
Nova Scotia 1 13 35 $0 0 0
Ohio 11 625 1,022 $3,232 59,001 5
Oklahoma 6 235 404 $2,867 22,108 11
Ontario 4 325 561 $8,156 33,757 18
Oregon 3 156 423 $5,818 23,941 27
Pennsylvania 6 238 414 $6,950 11,669 18
Prince Edward Island 5 90 187 $27,044 12,350 47
South Carolina 5 378 627 $1,796 38,511 10
South Dakota 2 139 269 $2,511 24,551 5
Tennessee 3 199 394 $558 22,783 7
Texas 22 965 1,657 $13,764 104,792 54
Vermont 1 117 231 $2,536 16,662 3
Virginia 4 275 502 $5,781 32,346 12
Washington 2 178 419 $4,071 24,412 8
Wisconsin 6 465 701 $4,418 37,812 24
Wyoming 1 27 54 $1,398 3,573 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 44 85 $84 5,282 0
Austria 2 163 465 $0 34,809 11
Canada 14 626 1,307 $37,974 72,968 77
Czech Republic 2 68 180 $0 8,205 4
Denmark 2 77 118 $0 7,880 0
Estonia 4 203 403 $0 27,238 5
Finland 9 580 1,320 $11,198 82,068 101
Germany 1 47 93 $0 5,481 3
Iceland 3 148 286 $0 19,013 3
Netherlands 1 65 187 $1,056 12,786 2
Norway 3 259 512 $494 34,538 8
Spain 2 40 71 $0 3,102 3
Sweden 16 928 1,745 $432 107,051 16
Switzerland 1 74 146 $2,966 9,767 2
United Kingdom 3 134 379 $0 16,346 2
United States 181 10,409 19,083 $147,835 1,133,337 435