StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-06-13 to Sunday 2022-06-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-06-13
(click to change weeks)
(11,953 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-06-21 12:30 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 131 2,069 4,663 $133,758 287,432 947
FPO 55 231 520 $12,152 38,149 833
MP40 73 505 1,146 $26,025 73,674 925
MP50 41 176 435 $10,065 28,822 905
FP40 5 16 42 $1,924 2,752 799
FP50 2 2 4 $98 253 817
MP55 2 5 10 $0 601 917
FP55 1 1 2 $0 149 798
MP60 22 59 137 $2,825 8,796 893
FP60 4 4 6 $40 403 815
MP65 4 9 17 $20 1,104 855
FP65 1 1 0 $0 0 0
MP70 3 5 9 $0 536 855
FP70 1 2 2 $0 255 294
MA1 133 1,937 4,158 $0 270,691 956
FA1 59 236 467 $0 36,647 829
MA2 132 2,312 4,974 $0 318,767 886
FA2 58 185 418 $0 32,030 757
MA3 125 2,365 4,814 $0 318,868 850
FA3 41 101 203 $0 15,495 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 104 104 $0 5,983 1
Alaska 2 161 253 $3,642 17,369 3
Alberta 2 24 58 $0 2,979 0
Arizona 1 40 79 $0 4,781 0
Arkansas 1 5 10 $160 698 0
British Columbia 1 62 124 $279 7,331 1
California 4 487 1,263 $50 80,820 54
Colorado 5 409 1,046 $23,844 67,641 46
Connecticut 1 134 133 $196 8,421 1
Delaware 1 99 291 $16,764 21,624 43
Florida 3 232 533 $0 33,688 13
Georgia 3 213 386 $3,369 25,812 12
Idaho 2 235 754 $0 46,186 19
Illinois 5 280 533 $1,782 37,515 12
Indiana 14 497 706 $2,071 63,335 78
Iowa 2 372 1,080 $17,815 67,300 51
Kansas 2 165 324 $1,791 18,876 9
Kentucky 7 332 581 $5,405 36,106 16
Louisiana 1 25 48 $185 4,213 0
Maine 1 28 56 $425 3,247 0
Massachusetts 2 103 136 $861 9,314 0
Michigan 14 868 1,672 $8,984 101,203 29
Minnesota 5 340 554 $760 34,744 2
Missouri 2 114 224 $384 13,789 1
Montana 2 87 174 $1,595 10,932 10
Nevada 1 108 427 $0 34,433 1
New Brunswick 1 48 96 $263 5,908 1
New Hampshire 2 77 132 $407 8,209 0
New Jersey 1 43 43 $0 2,900 1
New York 3 235 467 $5,155 33,028 12
North Carolina 8 792 2,217 $2,009 136,327 25
North Dakota 1 142 281 $4,215 18,507 5
Ohio 3 385 903 $2,080 59,476 9
Oklahoma 3 120 119 $301 8,409 2
Ontario 2 95 188 $0 12,535 2
Oregon 3 155 356 $3,097 22,370 18
Pennsylvania 6 201 367 $640 25,538 2
Quebec 1 75 149 $691 9,044 1
South Carolina 1 65 129 $516 8,087 0
Tennessee 3 193 357 $735 22,030 3
Texas 13 725 1,193 $10,816 68,964 43
Utah 2 128 148 $298 9,293 2
Vermont 1 319 947 $19,010 68,155 59
Virginia 1 60 120 $0 6,372 1
Washington 4 155 315 $1,580 21,056 3
Wisconsin 6 503 1,036 $4,763 72,796 35

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 106 209 $52 19,301 1
Austria 1 46 135 $1,854 9,276 6
Belize 1 11 22 $150 1,695 0
Canada 7 304 615 $1,233 37,797 5
Colombia 1 12 28 $0 1,804 0
Denmark 2 0 0 $0 0 0
Estonia 1 64 127 $0 8,876 0
Finland 10 688 1,819 $837 124,387 19
Germany 3 196 466 $0 29,264 12
Iceland 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Latvia 1 131 388 $6,390 28,357 10
Lithuania 1 89 177 $729 11,982 0
Norway 5 207 402 $0 25,046 1
Singapore 1 25 25 $15 1,848 1
Sweden 14 1,055 2,169 $29,914 139,931 91
Thailand 1 3 5 $28 225 0
United Kingdom 1 96 288 $0 18,608 4
United States 143 9,736 20,497 $145,705 1,339,547 621