StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-06-03 to Sunday 2024-06-09, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-06-03
(click to change weeks)
(14,262 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-06-13 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 177 2,494 5,911 $176,265 288,317 949
FPO 63 273 678 $43,572 46,141 867
MP40 96 622 1,408 $25,114 79,899 921
MP50 45 189 430 $10,430 25,908 906
FP40 13 19 45 $569 3,002 828
FP50 3 7 24 $761 844 822
MP55 3 23 52 $92 2,803 900
MP60 20 64 149 $2,174 8,657 874
FP60 2 2 13 $0 239 815
MP65 3 5 15 $0 636 903
MP70 3 7 20 $254 1,304 864
MA1 185 2,669 6,380 $0 239,579 907
FA1 83 203 425 $0 21,930 796
MA2 164 2,222 4,675 $0 234,472 885
FA2 56 138 271 $0 18,615 751
MA3 186 2,908 5,985 $0 308,372 850
FA3 65 158 325 $0 22,556 700

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 281 574 $1,870 23,810 7
Alaska 1 69 272 $1,770 15,014 10
Alberta 2 164 488 $4,974 30,145 12
Arizona 1 40 145 $0 0 1
Arkansas 2 101 102 $245 6,404 2
California 7 542 1,330 $4,081 71,682 32
Colorado 4 362 771 $2,015 18,824 16
Connecticut 2 169 198 $1,295 13,008 3
Delaware 1 45 46 $0 2,829 0
Florida 5 437 932 $5,917 51,713 24
Georgia 7 440 1,080 $160 17,302 18
Illinois 8 507 1,008 $4,411 41,917 21
Indiana 6 223 538 $1,758 29,792 4
Iowa 7 414 558 $1,210 31,921 11
Kansas 10 142 392 $2,045 16,952 19
Kentucky 6 412 941 $4,090 36,883 15
Louisiana 1 34 68 $742 4,333 2
Maine 3 127 276 $936 12,252 1
Manitoba 3 104 232 $677 13,823 0
Maryland 2 120 339 $255 20,127 4
Massachusetts 5 259 461 $3,746 27,405 13
Michigan 10 669 2,111 $21,605 59,882 135
Minnesota 5 266 515 $649 30,702 6
Mississippi 1 71 201 $2,118 11,979 8
Missouri 2 257 880 $14,203 55,416 63
Nebraska 2 100 370 $0 1,865 1
Nevada 1 46 173 $0 0 6
New Brunswick 1 4 7 $13 303 0
New Hampshire 1 45 90 $1,219 5,491 1
New Jersey 2 100 161 $192 10,157 3
New Mexico 1 91 178 $3,775 12,465 4
New York 7 546 1,456 $22,165 72,090 56
North Carolina 8 425 745 $279 31,560 18
Nova Scotia 1 17 126 $0 0 0
Ohio 12 440 1,004 $754 23,978 11
Oklahoma 3 184 405 $2,692 11,299 7
Ontario 3 271 544 $305 33,285 2
Oregon 1 160 479 $83,270 31,042 223
Pennsylvania 5 249 464 $2,932 29,094 10
Prince Edward Island 1 79 236 $1,430 16,204 2
Saskatchewan 1 33 68 $0 4,001 0
South Carolina 4 272 744 $2,859 28,287 26
South Dakota 2 108 405 $3,573 22,338 16
Tennessee 6 335 427 $2,128 26,395 13
Texas 15 600 871 $3,717 48,438 12
Utah 2 103 140 $344 5,269 1
Vermont 1 144 288 $1,872 16,216 5
Virginia 7 370 698 $3,100 30,572 10
Washington 3 168 340 $0 16,026 4
West Virginia 2 206 578 $0 34,850 4
Wisconsin 5 434 760 $4,551 48,474 21
Wyoming 2 56 160 $657 4,616 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 145 311 $456 13,068 3
Belize 1 20 97 $0 0 1
Canada 12 672 1,701 $7,399 97,761 16
China 1 45 85 $0 5,255 0
Colombia 1 29 30 $0 2,034 0
Czech Republic 2 135 408 $2,571 26,833 15
Denmark 3 82 93 $0 6,671 0
Estonia 2 65 66 $0 4,256 1
Finland 18 1,177 2,698 $32,193 172,969 180
Germany 1 43 88 $0 5,382 1
Iceland 1 34 34 $0 2,652 0
Latvia 1 28 56 $0 4,790 0
Netherlands 1 42 82 $0 5,162 0
Norway 9 393 862 $283 56,406 6
Serbia 1 34 102 $0 6,041 0
Spain 1 44 129 $0 7,959 1
Sweden 21 1,148 2,043 $811 138,229 14
United Kingdom 2 132 361 $318 21,644 1
United States 193 11,169 24,674 $215,200 1,110,669 870