StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-10-03 to Sunday 2022-10-09, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-10-03
(click to change weeks)
(9,055 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-10-11 04:30 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 119 1,740 3,734 $143,237 224,307 946
FPO 50 157 418 $36,870 29,592 878
MP40 64 462 964 $13,908 62,130 922
MP50 30 124 281 $1,966 18,487 901
FP40 12 26 61 $650 4,613 820
FP50 5 6 10 $114 676 808
MP55 3 15 48 $355 3,077 917
FP55 1 2 4 $235 326 803
MP60 17 53 128 $2,226 8,214 890
FP60 1 1 1 $0 67 771
MP65 2 2 3 $0 290 916
MP70 1 1 2 $0 172 895
MA1 114 1,192 2,240 $0 140,756 916
FA1 49 120 237 $0 17,830 780
MA2 114 1,620 3,012 $0 200,176 884
FA2 39 104 213 $0 17,150 740
MA3 113 1,708 3,076 $0 208,254 842
FA3 44 97 188 $0 15,605 688

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 155 219 $0 12,736 4
Alaska 1 46 88 $0 4,565 3
Arizona 1 97 275 $0 21,600 2
Arkansas 2 74 173 $4,017 10,316 12
British Columbia 2 132 262 $0 16,016 6
California 8 568 1,178 $0 82,737 33
Colorado 5 310 451 $0 41,992 25
Connecticut 1 136 268 $2,982 16,014 11
Florida 2 208 371 $2,204 21,719 6
Georgia 6 270 378 $561 21,960 3
Hawaii 1 68 201 $802 9,444 7
Idaho 1 59 118 $1,395 7,408 3
Illinois 5 398 764 $2,565 46,607 17
Indiana 5 313 618 $1,786 42,048 10
Iowa 3 163 289 $405 22,058 9
Kansas 4 218 365 $1,528 22,060 9
Kentucky 1 52 104 $865 6,002 1
Maine 1 41 82 $0 4,946 2
Massachusetts 3 193 305 $5,153 18,951 11
Michigan 8 280 558 $2,300 33,856 12
Minnesota 2 228 533 $858 31,462 22
Missouri 3 294 576 $1,867 37,067 2
Nebraska 1 38 38 $100 3,458 0
Nevada 1 10 20 $0 796 0
New Hampshire 1 46 136 $2,314 8,146 6
New Jersey 2 92 183 $190 11,840 0
New York 3 88 127 $916 9,658 0
North Carolina 4 220 449 $192 26,798 6
Ohio 5 236 416 $459 27,492 2
Oklahoma 3 162 269 $477 17,084 3
Oregon 4 280 585 $4,608 44,481 13
Pennsylvania 5 343 641 $9,184 41,767 13
South Carolina 2 137 547 $136,248 36,038 267
South Dakota 2 61 61 $204 3,189 1
Texas 17 871 1,486 $7,610 96,327 36
Utah 2 133 321 $1,792 19,510 13
Vermont 1 53 99 $0 6,093 1
Virginia 3 148 285 $2,690 19,135 5
Washington 2 149 296 $795 19,167 5
West Virginia 1 66 130 $0 7,735 0
Wyoming 2 62 62 $0 4,768 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 130 376 $0 34,498 6
Austria 1 89 261 $0 16,943 8
Canada 2 132 262 $0 16,016 6
China 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Czech Republic 1 61 122 $0 8,257 1
Denmark 2 168 327 $575 23,818 2
Estonia 1 55 54 $0 3,926 1
Finland 7 401 585 $1,583 39,169 17
France 1 138 414 $0 29,956 2
Germany 4 207 609 $0 38,049 46
Japan 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Latvia 1 23 23 $0 1,498 0
Netherlands 1 36 105 $0 5,051 5
New Zealand 1 77 231 $203 14,653 0
Norway 3 220 428 $0 34,409 1
Slovenia 1 27 80 $0 3,803 0
Spain 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Sweden 8 329 551 $133 36,325 6
Switzerland 1 56 108 $0 7,792 7
United States 126 7,366 14,065 $197,067 919,030 575