StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-11-04 to Sunday 2024-11-10, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-11-04
(click to change weeks)
(7,608 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-11-14 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 109 1,179 2,564 $96,559 135,899 952
FPO 32 104 231 $15,511 15,571 856
MP40 59 401 1,004 $23,107 57,107 920
MP50 28 183 512 $14,825 30,600 906
FP40 3 6 20 $465 1,305 802
FP50 3 3 5 $105 340 811
MP60 10 31 76 $4,233 4,809 902
FP60 1 1 2 $37 125 836
MP70 2 3 6 $127 362 896
MA1 113 1,548 3,497 $0 182,972 917
FA1 39 115 242 $0 14,899 808
MA2 105 1,173 2,727 $0 150,276 893
FA2 23 73 164 $0 9,787 777
MA3 112 1,733 3,691 $0 211,021 855
FA3 30 97 233 $0 15,425 695

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 122 221 $0 13,851 1
Alberta 2 89 202 $40 2,364 6
Arizona 3 83 165 $0 2,112 2
Arkansas 1 71 210 $2,640 12,092 10
British Columbia 2 46 96 $115 5,517 1
California 8 537 1,076 $997 62,636 16
Delaware 2 73 145 $378 9,157 3
Florida 4 345 882 $108 55,672 7
Georgia 9 476 889 $2,671 36,391 10
Illinois 1 38 78 $0 4,815 1
Indiana 2 52 162 $50 4,381 0
Iowa 3 105 143 $854 7,661 5
Kansas 5 305 528 $112 19,010 16
Kentucky 3 117 221 $204 13,118 3
Louisiana 1 23 87 $0 0 7
Massachusetts 2 86 156 $936 9,741 5
Michigan 1 84 164 $438 10,842 1
Minnesota 1 8 7 $51 482 1
Mississippi 3 508 1,296 $23,235 77,605 63
Missouri 2 93 180 $89 2,257 1
Nebraska 2 83 130 $510 9,384 5
Nevada 1 26 27 $171 1,635 0
New Hampshire 1 43 88 $267 5,713 1
New Jersey 2 118 186 $1,271 12,090 3
New York 2 72 119 $5,820 8,146 8
North Carolina 7 421 722 $5,015 46,052 18
Nova Scotia 2 36 97 $0 1,447 0
Ohio 5 223 417 $1,030 24,991 7
Oklahoma 1 71 144 $440 7,845 2
Ontario 1 31 118 $0 0 2
Oregon 9 433 921 $1,450 44,622 23
Pennsylvania 3 226 541 $3,843 35,864 12
Rhode Island 1 75 152 $0 10,059 2
South Carolina 4 196 508 $55,924 31,794 110
Tennessee 4 125 330 $1,080 7,553 14
Texas 16 1,787 4,773 $28,979 282,002 112
Utah 2 116 210 $0 12,870 17
Virginia 4 237 484 $13,291 31,777 43
Washington 1 39 80 $112 4,690 2
Wisconsin 2 18 38 $288 1,881 0
Wyoming 1 25 25 $0 1,979 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 41 82 $0 5,701 0
Canada 7 202 513 $155 9,328 9
Denmark 2 164 329 $632 21,347 10
Finland 1 11 22 $43 1,506 1
Netherlands 1 24 48 $0 2,891 0
New Zealand 1 131 524 $0 29,919 4
Norway 1 29 55 $0 3,295 0
Philippines 1 15 29 $103 1,700 0
Serbia 1 29 103 $0 5,396 0
Slovenia 1 36 73 $0 4,326 0
Spain 3 226 578 $1,832 34,427 22
Sweden 5 263 287 $0 19,220 1
Switzerland 1 31 60 $0 3,148 0
United Kingdom 1 60 120 $0 7,109 0
United States 121 7,460 16,505 $152,254 922,770 531