StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-05-27 to Sunday 2024-06-02, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-05-27
(click to change weeks)
(16,042 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-06-09 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 202 3,275 7,608 $223,904 391,834 943
FPO 85 357 874 $56,433 57,319 865
MP40 97 760 1,653 $33,957 93,054 920
MP50 57 296 673 $13,493 41,606 899
FP40 20 45 96 $1,926 6,397 826
FP50 4 4 8 $11 299 809
MP55 2 8 22 $1,046 1,467 927
MP60 30 100 220 $5,082 13,429 894
MP65 3 4 6 $98 360 842
MP70 5 7 14 $236 869 858
MA1 203 2,957 6,983 $0 257,121 902
FA1 86 219 453 $0 26,977 810
MA2 190 2,451 4,996 $0 257,438 886
FA2 67 154 305 $0 19,206 772
MA3 198 3,096 6,313 $0 336,488 852
FA3 67 157 314 $0 21,336 716

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 201 450 $408 13,530 0
Alberta 2 119 327 $2,520 20,527 3
Arizona 5 141 329 $0 7,722 4
Arkansas 2 42 141 $0 0 8
British Columbia 2 60 124 $78 8,200 0
California 8 849 1,770 $1,872 95,828 50
Colorado 5 415 865 $9,707 52,081 12
Connecticut 1 71 142 $923 8,790 3
Delaware 1 70 142 $602 7,607 0
Florida 8 544 860 $808 47,437 5
Georgia 3 258 521 $1,028 32,983 6
Idaho 3 216 481 $6,240 25,801 10
Illinois 11 993 2,289 $12,802 124,173 60
Indiana 12 505 1,117 $586 42,816 15
Iowa 8 513 1,504 $4,863 50,717 38
Kansas 4 239 649 $4,104 38,013 17
Kentucky 4 196 561 $608 7,856 7
Maine 3 290 474 $3,230 27,937 5
Maryland 1 90 175 $0 11,043 0
Massachusetts 5 297 477 $4,187 30,412 3
Michigan 14 960 2,225 $7,802 83,125 43
Minnesota 4 337 563 $1,142 44,525 7
Mississippi 3 85 146 $170 9,115 0
Missouri 10 572 992 $6,933 50,521 21
Montana 1 108 136 $0 9,611 0
Nebraska 1 46 92 $1,780 6,301 3
Nevada 1 23 68 $0 0 2
New Brunswick 2 75 152 $276 9,523 0
New Hampshire 2 143 286 $3,893 16,889 6
New Jersey 2 149 486 $3,633 26,522 8
New Mexico 1 50 102 $800 7,837 2
New York 3 248 567 $15,746 34,125 31
North Carolina 10 547 841 $3,473 41,811 23
North Dakota 1 13 40 $0 0 0
Ohio 10 476 1,165 $5,003 35,598 20
Oklahoma 4 295 565 $6,951 28,900 19
Ontario 3 318 604 $3,616 36,721 13
Oregon 6 308 759 $108,604 42,465 282
Pennsylvania 5 223 507 $148 20,051 7
South Carolina 5 241 360 $105 21,290 3
South Dakota 2 65 178 $1,370 4,550 0
Tennessee 9 918 2,081 $24,939 118,014 88
Texas 12 696 1,323 $9,828 76,275 44
Utah 3 254 767 $4,145 11,969 9
Virginia 6 377 959 $5,573 35,471 18
Washington 4 191 489 $955 16,656 2
Wisconsin 6 283 411 $2,125 27,012 10
Wyoming 1 15 31 $0 1,691 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 98 196 $2,692 14,281 4
Canada 9 572 1,207 $6,490 74,971 16
Croatia 1 38 123 $0 7,138 1
Czech Republic 1 75 222 $0 13,144 3
Denmark 3 184 432 $0 19,730 1
Estonia 1 126 250 $0 15,667 17
Finland 21 1,130 2,190 $17,107 131,534 95
France 2 86 236 $749 15,600 6
Germany 3 188 506 $0 30,397 16
Iceland 2 136 283 $0 18,640 1
Italy 1 41 112 $0 7,467 0
Latvia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Lithuania 2 116 236 $0 16,042 1
Netherlands 1 66 132 $0 7,558 2
New Zealand 1 122 251 $657 22,829 0
Norway 6 501 1,485 $34,757 95,990 71
Portugal 1 15 48 $0 1,897 0
South Africa 1 10 30 $0 0 0
Sweden 19 841 1,576 $6,505 102,189 35
Thailand 1 17 17 $0 1,000 1
United Kingdom 1 52 155 $331 8,824 2
United States 215 13,553 29,086 $267,086 1,395,070 891