StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-08-02 to Sunday 2021-08-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-08-02
(click to change weeks)
(10,675 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:11 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 113 1,777 4,016 $190,497 247,506 951
FPO 50 190 509 $36,104 35,549 856
MP40 60 544 1,464 $64,886 89,914 934
MP50 34 175 429 $25,134 27,283 911
FP40 6 20 79 $5,206 4,894 881
MP55 1 3 6 $70 340 895
MP60 10 42 109 $4,294 7,460 882
MP70 3 5 8 $188 556 766
MA1 108 1,874 3,953 $0 251,478 923
FA1 52 191 472 $0 32,955 813
MA2 119 2,307 4,752 $0 295,966 886
FA2 55 170 370 $0 25,611 763
MA3 115 2,268 4,455 $0 290,053 850
FA3 51 183 405 $0 30,253 701

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alberta 2 148 429 $2,872 26,915 2
Arkansas 2 51 90 $359 5,427 2
California 2 154 383 $5,361 22,576 21
Colorado 6 270 585 $8,051 38,433 21
Connecticut 1 132 387 $7,474 24,989 18
Florida 1 132 259 $0 17,943 0
Georgia 5 381 759 $2,302 46,463 13
Hawaii 1 33 65 $0 4,881 0
Idaho 1 135 402 $10,599 25,561 26
Illinois 11 3,060 6,856 $139,950 436,917 358
Iowa 3 201 245 $1,089 15,597 3
Kansas 2 49 98 $0 6,271 2
Kentucky 1 156 462 $0 36,742 4
Louisiana 1 62 123 $675 6,724 7
Maryland 1 58 116 $70 6,648 1
Massachusetts 2 111 166 $1,270 10,533 1
Michigan 4 292 575 $2,369 37,989 11
Minnesota 4 190 257 $412 17,381 1
Missouri 4 202 389 $1,884 21,558 14
Montana 1 14 27 $384 1,804 0
Nebraska 1 51 101 $336 8,091 1
New Hampshire 2 158 293 $11,172 18,383 10
New Jersey 2 156 348 $420 20,666 1
New Mexico 1 93 184 $5,135 12,817 3
New York 3 146 270 $1,806 15,965 4
North Carolina 6 186 311 $660 19,061 9
North Dakota 1 27 74 $1,290 4,894 4
Nova Scotia 1 36 108 $551 6,761 1
Ohio 2 122 323 $3,080 21,461 14
Oklahoma 2 196 461 $4,103 27,553 14
Ontario 4 172 423 $5,474 27,714 16
Oregon 6 192 379 $7,521 25,211 11
Pennsylvania 5 298 589 $12,807 41,304 15
Quebec 1 62 124 $896 7,406 0
South Carolina 2 149 294 $1,601 18,883 14
South Dakota 1 58 116 $839 8,037 1
Tennessee 3 194 635 $44,451 36,241 119
Texas 8 468 897 $6,364 53,579 30
Vermont 1 74 146 $0 8,007 2
Virginia 3 198 382 $425 26,998 2
Washington 4 338 631 $8,204 41,038 19
West Virginia 2 122 241 $348 16,213 1
Wisconsin 6 411 791 $5,606 49,121 14
Wyoming 1 45 90 $828 5,642 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 37 73 $82 4,785 0
Canada 8 418 1,084 $9,793 68,796 19
Czech Republic 1 91 266 $837 19,415 10
Denmark 1 35 70 $0 4,220 0
Estonia 1 51 101 $0 6,810 0
Finland 14 1,036 2,416 $4,580 157,239 66
Germany 1 38 38 $0 2,716 0
Latvia 1 55 163 $1,184 11,944 1
Netherlands 1 39 77 $0 4,702 1
Norway 3 305 811 $7,805 50,025 30
Sweden 16 851 1,708 $2,853 114,203 14
United Kingdom 2 21 41 $0 2,556 0
United States 115 9,365 19,800 $299,245 1,263,602 794