StatMando Monday

From Monday 2016-07-18 to Sunday 2016-07-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2016-07-18
(click to change weeks)
(3,894 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:50 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 54 914 2,283 $84,524 137,439 950
FPO 27 77 204 $4,982 14,751 827
MA1 48 791 2,047 $0 129,561 911
FA1 21 54 129 $0 10,164 777
MA2 47 788 1,952 $0 126,534 877
FA2 18 57 143 $0 11,598 717
MA3 40 508 1,149 $0 77,541 840
FA3 12 27 59 $0 4,818 633

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 45 90 $1,065 5,101 3
Alaska 1 29 111 $200 6,010 3
California 3 293 875 $7,586 65,758 29
Colorado 3 250 511 $5,964 34,601 12
Georgia 3 129 253 $683 15,618 1
Idaho 1 50 144 $1,195 7,425 6
Illinois 1 71 138 $1,205 8,309 3
Indiana 2 65 126 $850 7,300 1
Iowa 3 256 706 $10,060 44,340 25
Massachusetts 2 116 229 $1,684 14,848 1
Michigan 2 173 471 $5,993 27,154 31
Missouri 1 75 147 $190 8,315 1
New York 1 83 327 $3,140 25,464 2
North Carolina 3 129 381 $2,434 24,113 19
Ohio 2 156 458 $2,216 34,377 5
Oklahoma 1 83 165 $541 9,755 7
Ontario 1 45 45 $199 2,657 0
Oregon 1 69 210 $1,846 13,243 11
Pennsylvania 2 112 270 $5,440 20,166 26
Quebec 1 19 37 $851 2,212 0
South Carolina 1 70 139 $435 7,415 5
South Dakota 1 24 48 $420 3,219 1
Tennessee 1 61 118 $917 6,728 8
Texas 4 192 381 $3,526 22,746 16
Virginia 4 217 552 $4,516 36,307 21
Washington 1 30 60 $0 3,510 1
Wisconsin 3 222 566 $781 33,480 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 2 64 82 $1,050 4,869 0
Czech Republic 1 45 151 $0 8,682 0
Finland 10 549 1,122 $2,586 72,962 9
France 1 54 186 $211 12,305 4
Germany 1 41 85 $0 4,458 4
Japan 1 14 28 $0 2,129 0
Sweden 1 144 420 $35,263 27,607 106
Switzerland 2 41 80 $0 5,114 0
United Kingdom 1 60 232 $1,551 14,556 4
United States 48 3,000 7,476 $62,887 485,302 242