StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-12-02 to Sunday 2024-12-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-12-02
(click to change weeks)
(5,363 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-12-10 12:30 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 93 916 1,865 $35,970 81,023 949
FPO 22 56 119 $3,879 7,506 857
MP40 48 239 489 $9,637 22,633 922
MP50 29 120 257 $8,354 15,671 914
FP40 6 14 20 $49 1,310 836
MP60 12 31 66 $2,379 3,782 917
FP60 1 2 6 $402 348 858
MP70 2 3 4 $101 307 790
MA1 95 993 2,193 $0 78,952 907
FA1 31 61 136 $0 7,000 785
MA2 78 707 1,518 $0 67,049 882
FA2 17 33 62 $0 3,560 769
MA3 93 1,056 2,095 $0 101,357 852
FA3 24 45 86 $0 5,721 701

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 72 119 $516 7,111 2
Arizona 2 78 155 $0 8,858 0
Arkansas 1 0 0 $0 0 0
British Columbia 3 92 187 $75 10,411 2
California 6 296 742 $300 15,515 14
Delaware 2 107 310 $810 6,535 7
Florida 3 536 1,255 $20,946 71,612 73
Georgia 6 218 600 $820 15,231 14
Illinois 5 149 376 $259 8,277 4
Indiana 2 46 73 $105 4,897 1
Iowa 1 103 104 $494 5,666 1
Kentucky 2 79 183 $0 5,439 3
Louisiana 2 120 237 $50 16,161 10
Maryland 2 113 225 $2,290 14,273 6
Michigan 1 45 91 $55 4,828 1
Minnesota 2 127 128 $528 7,486 4
Mississippi 1 86 173 $993 10,257 4
Missouri 2 61 62 $432 3,912 4
Nebraska 1 55 55 $377 3,551 1
Nevada 1 50 170 $0 0 0
New Jersey 2 47 82 $0 5,388 0
New Mexico 1 62 184 $0 12,539 2
North Carolina 8 396 736 $7,766 33,093 45
Ohio 3 231 564 $2,545 17,472 10
Oklahoma 3 152 287 $5,119 15,007 14
Oregon 2 150 286 $550 19,036 7
Pennsylvania 1 65 131 $390 7,395 1
South Carolina 5 285 662 $1,154 40,665 15
Tennessee 4 124 261 $109 13,104 9
Texas 13 487 1,020 $10,068 43,429 38
Utah 4 200 453 $0 4,531 12
Virginia 3 70 211 $605 8,016 3
Washington 3 149 207 $538 14,533 5
Wisconsin 2 126 252 $1,005 15,654 4
Wyoming 1 40 41 $0 2,869 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 76 149 $203 10,160 0
Belize 1 24 50 $500 3,143 1
Canada 3 92 187 $75 10,411 2
Colombia 1 34 69 $0 4,417 0
Croatia 1 46 137 $0 8,621 2
Denmark 2 131 262 $279 15,782 4
Finland 3 141 156 $122 8,854 8
Italy 2 39 40 $0 2,931 0
Mexico 1 22 46 $0 2,891 0
New Zealand 1 62 126 $0 8,815 4
Sweden 3 114 114 $0 7,498 0
Thailand 2 54 149 $768 9,906 3
United States 99 4,925 10,435 $58,824 462,340 314