StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-02-19 to Sunday 2024-02-25, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-02-19
(click to change weeks)
(8,624 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-03-03 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 125 1,433 2,807 $111,122 154,683 953
FPO 31 154 397 $33,008 25,221 885
MP40 64 455 917 $17,135 49,982 923
MP50 32 137 275 $5,439 17,132 906
FP40 8 27 64 $864 4,473 808
FP50 1 4 12 $130 820 791
MP60 15 32 48 $1,331 3,163 893
MP65 3 7 7 $144 545 866
MP70 3 5 10 $321 750 835
MA1 131 1,530 2,612 $0 146,648 916
FA1 49 137 263 $0 14,138 793
MA2 121 1,321 2,242 $0 132,888 886
FA2 38 84 161 $0 9,962 775
MA3 124 1,660 2,731 $0 171,427 847
FA3 35 79 143 $0 10,333 734

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 251 555 $5,332 34,863 23
Alberta 1 85 170 $1,067 11,274 3
Arizona 2 54 60 $120 3,639 0
Arkansas 4 207 266 $1,190 15,159 4
California 2 149 295 $0 22,449 7
Colorado 3 230 324 $583 20,280 3
Delaware 1 20 98 $0 0 1
Florida 4 294 722 $92,509 47,583 248
Georgia 6 351 779 $2,574 46,699 12
Hawaii 1 33 65 $972 4,206 3
Idaho 1 73 145 $325 8,592 2
Illinois 1 61 61 $88 4,500 0
Indiana 7 380 670 $1,879 43,847 8
Iowa 2 232 232 $1,097 13,593 3
Kansas 4 247 322 $1,046 17,454 0
Kentucky 5 354 354 $1,263 25,496 7
Louisiana 2 164 327 $4,458 23,481 13
Maryland 1 93 93 $868 8,317 0
Michigan 4 358 685 $2,780 40,103 19
Missouri 7 641 679 $2,942 38,213 14
Nebraska 2 103 103 $336 6,176 2
New Jersey 2 102 143 $895 9,872 2
New Mexico 1 65 130 $545 8,320 4
New York 1 3 6 $0 320 0
North Carolina 13 703 1,363 $6,756 71,619 50
Ohio 3 221 301 $637 17,509 6
Oklahoma 4 151 275 $955 16,619 6
Oregon 3 197 335 $2,419 22,064 14
Pennsylvania 3 200 398 $1,346 25,614 6
South Carolina 4 123 158 $621 11,114 1
Tennessee 5 277 486 $1,519 16,619 17
Texas 22 980 1,677 $16,551 105,546 67
Utah 1 198 395 $3,251 23,543 5
Virginia 6 378 758 $213 42,322 9
Washington 3 166 332 $1,022 19,518 2
Wisconsin 1 100 199 $1,145 12,395 11
Wyoming 1 33 31 $257 2,665 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 4 142 409 $183 11,600 4
Belgium 1 58 115 $0 7,295 0
Canada 1 85 170 $1,067 11,274 3
Colombia 1 26 52 $0 3,205 1
Denmark 2 164 324 $0 23,195 0
Estonia 1 148 442 $4,269 24,960 24
Finland 1 60 60 $0 3,079 0
France 1 1 1 $0 1 0
Lithuania 1 161 480 $2,542 32,885 5
Mexico 1 20 36 $0 2,355 0
Netherlands 1 24 48 $0 3,016 0
New Zealand 2 154 440 $1,796 23,785 17
Philippines 1 47 91 $401 6,026 0
Spain 1 32 64 $750 4,284 4
Sweden 1 26 52 $0 3,981 0
United Kingdom 1 41 82 $0 4,979 2
United States 137 8,192 13,822 $158,494 830,309 569